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Spoilers for DHMIS


Washington drove me to Peggy's house and it was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Washington stayed in the car and I grabbed my bag full of supplies and rung the door bell. Peggy answered and I responded with:

"Knock, knock beotch." 

"HOLY FRIGG, ALEX" She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me inside. She escorted me to her room that she shared with Angelica and Eliza. 

"Angie and Liza aren't home right now and neither are most of my other siblings, besides my youngest sister, Catherine. She's probably in the living room with my dad," She explained. I nodded, taking off my shoes and gently placing them down on the carpet along with my bag. Pegs pointed to my feet.

"Did you just... release your dogs?" I faked offense. "That's it, get out," She opened the door. 

"Dude, you're not even wearing socks right now,"

"Shut up,"


Peggy pulled up the YouTube channel titled Don't Hug me .I'm scared. "Pegs, you put a period after a space then put no space after the period,"

"Shhh, it's all part of the plan," She played the first video which was only about three and a half minutes. I small notepad began singing.

"Peggy. Did you drag me outside of my home when you know perfectly well I could be reading in the dark to show me a children's video?" I spoke through clenched teeth. She shushed me and told me that it'll get better. "I'm waiting..." I continued watching. The video randomly cut off and turned into a weird 3D animated version and then the characters turned into people. I watched in complete horror and confusion as the characters went on a disturbing rampage as they created things out of organs and- 

"OH MY GOD WAS THAT A MEAT CAKE!?!?" Peggy nodded, humming the song. The video ended. "What. The. Heck. Was. That?"

"Wasn't that fun?" She asked innocently. 

I blinked. Anywho. we watched literally the rest of the series then binged all of the T.V show. You know, like normal teens do. Which, by the way, took us two whole hours. I cracked my spine and neck and pretty much every bone I have in my body. 

"Dude, you shouldn't do that, you'll get arthritis or something," 

"Margarita, sweet innocent Margarita, you don't get arthritis from popping your joints because there is only fluid inside and that is what's popping. You uncultured swine," I explained in my best teacher voice.

"Pop off I guess," She looked around her room. My stomach growled. "Dude, are you hungry?" 

"No." the borborygmus sound filled the room. She got up and motioned for me to follow. We walked into the kitchen were her mother was holding a little girl. 

"Your father will be back with pizza in a bit, oh hi Alexander. How are you?" She asked.

"Pretty good," I awkwardly grinned.

"That's good. I read your essay, you know, the essay, and can I just say, you have such a way with words. Ugh. Have you ever thought of becoming an author of some sorts when you become an adult?" She stared me down.

"Not really... it sounds like fun but I don't think I'm that good or interested," 

"Nonsense! I've heard wonderful things about you. Between you and me, I am so happy that Peggy finally has someone to hang out with her. Most of her friends up to this point have been her older sister's friends and they don't really like the same stuff as her so, thank you."

Hamilton in Eighth Grade!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt