27. Limits

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Kayla's eyes widened at the song lyrics I presented to her while Elizabeth banged her head while I sung it with the piano. Standing up when I finished.


"So this song is about abusers?" Aidan asked.

"Yeah." I talked with my hands, having them out slightly. "I had this idea for awhile but no motivation until a few weeks ago and I stayed up late the last couple of days putting down lyrics and this is the end result."

Everyone looked at each other, giving each other a look with smiles, before looking back at me.


"The one!" Elizabeth stood up with her arms out.

"The only!" Kayla added, repeating Elizabeth's actions.

"AJ is back!" Aidan repeated the girls' actions before they all went up and gave me a big hug.

"What do you mean 'I'm back'?" I wiggled out of their hug.

"You haven't wrote an original song since high school, and even that was awhile ago." Elizabeth answered.

"I think if we continue practicing and get the right instrumental to fit the song, maybe we can use this for the battle of the bands." Aidan said.

"I was thinking that too, but I was thinking that since we're doing 2 songs, I want to go with a metal song first, and then switch into opera." I suggested.

"Maybe we should do that song from that space movie you liked in high school." Kayla suggested. "I think it was when that blue alien was singing opera or something."

"You mean the 'Diva Song' from Fifth Element?"

"Yeah that one!"

"That song involves a lot and even I still struggle with parts of that song also." I sat back down and pulled out the notebook. "I wrote a list of the songs I think we should do and circled the ones that I think would be best for the show, but i wanna hear opinions about any of the songs I wrote." I opened the notebook and showed them.

They all looked through and gave me their input. We all agreed we want to start the show with something hard and fast and got tied between a couple of other choices but I know we'll come to a conclusion before the show. It's just the second song is what we want to discuss more into.

We want to be able to show how diverse we are with our music. We don't have to stick strictly with the metal and rock roots but we know it would be a lot better if we also had something to match up with it.

"Alright, we'll start practicing on the backtrack for the song, for now, get your ass back home! Lord knows what Anthony is cooking up for you this Valentine's Day!" Elizabeth playfully nudged her arm towards me.

I only swiped my hand in the air with a smile. "Y'all know I had to be prepared." I twirled my outfit, which consisted of a fitted red plaid skirt, some black tights, and a long sleeve black turtleneck. The best part of my outfit was the new combat boots I got that went up my calf. I also did the surprise of straightening my hair, causing Elizabeth and Kayla to continuously touch my hair.

Anthony doesn't even know I dressed like this today since he didn't have classes today, but I did. So I left a little early for classes. It, however, ended with me having a random song idea when I was at the creative writing class (that I was forced to attend). We started to write about if we were to have a conversation with someone who did us, or a loved one wrong and it turns into song lyrics. It was a good thing that due to the snowstorm that's happening tonight, class for tomorrow got canceled so I got all my work done before I came here.

Innocent RoseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora