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Percy and Jazz sat together at an outdoor table, nursing beers and smoking.

    After Asa had left the alleyway with Joe, the group kept talking, and the couple kept kissing. They seemed to start fucking at some point, which is when the group left with the agreement to stick together and chat.

    Percy liked Jazz. She completely understood why he wanted to keep Star away from Asa, yet she had her own opinion about Star's autonomy. She was a very neutral party, despite being one of Asa's friends.

    And Star absolutely loved chatting with Locke and Sterling. They were at a separate table, laughing and talking loudly, reminiscing about their high school and college days. Everyone seemed less interested in alcohol after the encounter, but they stayed in the city, soaking up the night life and good company.

    Unexpected, but good nonetheless.

    Star's phone started to ring at some point, and she seemed very taken aback when she looked at the screen, immediately standing up and answering.

    "Hello?" she asked over the voice of the crowd swarming the streets and talking at the tables surrounding them.

    Percy strained to hear what she was saying, his eyes on her face.

    "What's going on?" she asked, her voice suddenly serious.

    Everyone in the group turned to her, watching her expression change within just a few seconds. She swallowed, then nodded. "Send me your address. I'm on my way right now."

    She hung up. "Guys, I have to go."

    "What's going on?" Sterling asked.

    Star hesitated, then said, "Family emergency." She lifted her leg over the bench and began to jog away.

    "Oh, shit, okay!" Jazz said. "Good bye, nice to meet you!"

    "Yeah, you too," Percy responded, jumping up to race after his sister. His brow was furrowed in confusion, and he picked up the pace when he saw that she was speeding up, not bothering to see if he was following her.

    "Yo, Star, what's going on?!" he called after her.

    She stopped at her car, which was parked on the street, quickly unlocking it and yanking open the driver side door. She cranked the car, glancing up at Percy, seeming to have an internal argument with herself, then shook her head, sighing. "Asa's brother was just shot. She wants my help."

    Percy's mouth dropped as Star got into the car, buckling her seat belt and putting the car in drive. "WAIT!" he yelled. "I'm not letting you leave alone."

    "Fine, get in," Star said, putting up no fight.

    Percy stood in silent shock for a split second, then yanked the passenger side door open, jumping in just as Star started speeding away. She put an address on her phone maps, and it showed a destination that was about half an hour away.

    Questions raced through Percy's mind, but mostly anger filled his body.


    Why tonight of all nights?

    He knew that Asa was involved in some illegal shit, just like he was himself. She must've called Star because of that, and that made him grip the door handle that much tighter.

    How dare she get his sister involved in her mess.

    How DARE she.

    "I know what you're thinking," Star said, interrupting his downward spiral of thought. "Haven't I told you, time and time again, that I'm choosing this?"

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