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Persia watched her husband, Jayce, from across the table. Her hands were trembling as her eyes searched his face, and she grabbed tightly onto her coffee mug as if it was a lifeline.

"So..you're telling me that you've been seeing your sister?" he asked curtly, sober for once. His fists were clenched over the back of the chair as he barely contained his anger.

Persia had told him a few things - leaving the biggest secret out - many years ago when they started dating: That had an older sister that she stayed away from, and that she'd been violent and problem causing, as a child and still as an adult. She'd told him that Asa was the reason their mother was sent to the psych ward, and other things she'd regretted telling him when his true colors came out not long after.

"Yes," she said quietly. "But that's not the problem. We really need to discuss your drinking habits-"

"I'm sorry, but you just dropped a bomb on me. Don't try to change the subject," he hissed angrily. "Your sister is a raging psycho. I've met her. There's this look in her eyes - I see it in the eyes of the people in prison, the ones I used to be in charge of. The ones who've committed horrible crimes, like rape and murder and shit like that. She's not right in the head."

"I know," Persia whispered. "I know." But she might ACTUALLY kill you if you don't stop drinking.

"I'm gonna find her, and beat some sense into her," he hissed, slamming his hands down onto the table.

Persia flinched, feeling her nails dig into her palms as she clenched her fists. "NO - no! You can't. I'm not going to see her again."

His eyes narrowed. "That's a lie. You've been seeing her behind my back this whole time. I saw on the cameras I installed that she came to the house when I looked back through the footage."

Persia hadn't known about the cameras. Jayce always did what he wanted. He was a good man, but he still had his load of problems just like everyone else did. He'd been in the military and had returned only recently, for good. That's when he'd started drinking like he did. She hadn't known about the cameras, not at all. Apparently they'd been up before he'd left the country, and he'd checked them when he returned, seeing all the times that Asa had visited. The cameras were in the living room, dining room, AND bedroom.

It made Persia feel very uncomfortable, but she had to understand because her husband had PTSD...and he just wanted to make sure she was safe.

Persia stood up, walking around the table to her husband, looking at him with pleading eyes. "Please...please don't find her. You don't understand...I LOVE you, and she's crazy." She sobbed, her hand flying up to cover her mouth. "Shit."

Jayce stared at her, cogs turning in his head. "I see." He reached up, grabbing Persia by the shoulders, squeezing softly. "You're worried about me."

Persia wiped at her eyes furiously. "She's not well in the head. I don't want anything to happen to you - or to her. Don't you understand?"

"Yes," he said softly. "Come here." He pulled her into his chest, cradling her like she was a precious gem. Then he held her at arms length. "I need you to promise me something," he said, looking deep into her eyes. "Alright?"

She watched him, her eyes forlorn, but nodded.

"Don't ever see Asa again. I forbid it."

Persia swallowed, feeling Jayce's grip tighten on her shoulders, boxing her in. She had to make him happy. He knew how much she loved her sister. He also knew that her sister was fucked in the head. Asa had fought with him before, beating him into the ground for hitting Persia, many months ago, and that was when Persia had stopped seeing her or allowing her over to the house. It was bad.

And because of that, Jayce despised Asa. She had humiliated him in front of his wife, and friends. He wanted to kill her, seemingly.

"Alright," Persia agreed, looking away.

"Hey, look at me, and say you promise you won't see her again," he growled, shaking her slightly. "I mean it."

Persia's eyes widened, but she repeated his words after hesitating for a moment. She didn't want to trigger him.

Jayce watched her for a few moments, his eyes searching her face, taking in every expression and flinch. He didn't believe her. Not at all. There was only one thing for him to do. He would have to find Asa himself, with a few friends of course. He couldn't take her down on his own, he'd learned that. There was nothing wrong with a little help.

This would be payback.

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