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(Billie's pov)

"Okay, easy love. That's good." I held Leah's hands as I helped her walk to the bathroom for a quick shower before our appointment. Ever since she's gotten to 7 months, everything kinda got worse. Her ankles became swollen and it hurt to walk, stand, hell, even to breathe sometimes.

"Sometimes, it really bites being pregnant. You're lucky you were born differently." She said, making me chuckle.

"Well definitely has its advantages. I mean no periods, equal levels of estrogen and testosterone so I'm both feminine and masculine when I please or when you want, I'm able to teach our boys about some stuff and you get the best of both worlds. 8 inches, and two double D's."

"Baby you're much bigger than a D by now."

"Yeah well, who's keeping track of that?" I shrugged, helping her sit down on the toilet so I could start her shower.

"Maybe your half a billion followers."

"True, but you get my point. Okay, arms up, let's get you undressed."

"Thank you for doing this for me love."

"What? Undress you?" I chuckled.

"Well yes, but I mean take care of me like this. You're basically waiting on me hand and foot."

"Baby you don't have to thank me. This is my job and quite frankly I love this part of my job. I love taking care of you and I will gladly wait on you hand and foot for the rest of our lives."

She smiled and I kissed her forehead before helping her in the shower, I even stayed with her for a while. She said she would be okay until she got out but I didn't wanna take any chances, and the kids were napping so I stayed.

Once she was done I grabbed a towel for her and helped her out of the shower. I could already see her eyes glossing over from the pain in her ankles and I felt so bad for her. She couldn't even take a proper shower anymore.

"Okay, sit down love. I'm gonna go get your clothes okay? And then I'll give you a little ankle massage before we have to leave."

"Thank you honey."

I smiled and kissed her hands before heading into our room. I stopped by the kids room to check on them and they were still asleep for the most part. I grabbed some sweats and one of my shirts since I know that sometimes helps her feel better.

"Okay love, are we ready?"

"I guess."

I very carefully helped her to get dressed and then we slowly walked back to our room where I gave her a gentle massage on her ankles.

"I hate seeing you like this love. Is there anything you can take to help?"

"There is but every baby and every twin pregnancy is different so I just wanna double check with Kate."

"Okay, well there better be. I don't like when you're in pain."

"I know me either. But it'll all be worth it." She smiled and held her hand out. "Everly's kicking." She placed my hand on her left side as I felt my daughter kick at my hand.

It made me chuckle, she hasn't been as active as Elijah so it was nice to feel her kick.

"Okay, I am going to call Finneas so he can watch the kids and then we will be good to go."


Kate said Aleah needed to get some light exercises in for her hips, ankles and knees and gave us a couple to do at home.

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