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(Aleah's pov)

"Okay are you sure we have everything? We're staying for a long time baby." I nervously fidgeted with my jewelry as Billie loaded everything into the car to head to the airport.

"It's only a week love. Anything we forget we'll just go out and buy it. Okay?"

"Alright. Wait do you have-?"

"Delilah's meds and teethers, Leo's vitamins and his toys, your heating pad and some of our stuff in case we get a little restless."

I rolled my eyes and hit her shoulder. "You're such a pervert. But thank you."

We were taking a 4 hour flight from here to Charlotte North Carolina to see my mom and grams for the week of New Years and per usual I was having some anxiety about the travel even though I've done this numerous times.

Billie hummed and gave me a sweet kiss. "Go on, get in the car, I'll finish getting everything situated."


When we got to the airport I felt a bit of anxiety stir up in my chest at the sight of all the people and crowds.

Of course we've been through this before with both of the kids but I don't know why I couldn't get my mind to calm down.

"Is the airport always this busy?"

"Not really. But it is Christmas season, so everyone is probably traveling. Okay, I'm gonna call Sully and the rest of my security team and see where they are."

Billie got out of the car to make the call meanwhile I tried my best to calm down. I knew having an anxiety attack wouldn't be good for the babies which only made me panic more.

"Leo, I'll be right back. If anything happens bang on the window okay?"

"Otay mommy."

I got out of the car just as Billie had gotten off the phone.

"Okay, they should be here in a few minutes they got stuck in traffic. Hey, you okay?" She asked, noticing my distressed state.

"Billie I'm kinda freaking out but I don't know why. I mean we've been through this before, even with both the kids so it's not like it's anything new and...God is it hot out here?"

My breathing started to get more heavy and I felt my throat starting to close, my palms also starting to feel sweaty. Billie came around the other side of the car and gently put her hands on my shoulders.

"It's L.A. love it's always hot. Hey look at me, you're alright, we're gonna be fine. My team is gonna be here to help us and we have advanced boarding this time so we don't have to wait at the gate."

"W-What if they get pictures of the kids? I know I said a while ago that I was fine with them being in the public eye but I-I don't know, I just feel weird. I don't know why I'm panicking baby I can't - I can't breath."

I started hyperventilating and then the tears came as I shook out my hands and wiggled my fingers to try and keep myself calm to no avail.

"Okay, okay Leah, honey, look at me. Breathe baby, deep breaths. Here give me your hand."

Billie took my hand and placed it on her chest as she breathed deeply and I tried to follow.

"That's it, angel. You're okay, I'm here. We're gonna get through this and be just fine. Okay? I won't let anything happen to any of you. I promise. Just breathe my love, I've got you."

Billie talked me down from my panic attack before telling me to stay where I was while she went into the car and grabbed some water.

I took one final deep breath as my shoulders relaxed.

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