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(Aleah's POV)

Me and Billie quietly snuck into the kids room to wake them up for Christmas. While Leo was smart he still didn't quite understand the concept of Christmas, especially since he couldn't really remember the last Christmas. All he knew was that Christmas was like a second birthday where he got gifts, but for everyone.

Billie woke up Delilah while I woke up Leo. Once we woke them both up we went downstairs to eat breakfast because I was starving and needed food in my system before any present opening happened.

After Leo had eaten it was safe to say he was more than excited for Christmas.

"Mommy! Momma! Come on! We has to open presents now!"

He ran into the living room as me and Billie followed shortly after, setting Delilah into my lap. She would be opening her presents after Leo.

I sat next to Billie on the ground and seperated the presents into each others piles, setting mine behind me, Billie's behind her and Delilahs on the couch. The rest under the tree were all for Leo.

"Alright which one do you wanna open first bud?" Billie asks.

"Umm..dis one!" He said, going for the tallest one there was.

We gave it to him and he ripped it open and looked at the box for a second before he gasped.

"Is a micophone! Like mommas!"

"Yeah, now when we have parties you can sing with me. Doesn't that sound fun?"

He bounced up and down happily. "Yeah!"

"Okay which one next baby?"

Leo continued to open all his Christmas gifts from me and Billie, we even put Delilah's name on one of them which was a lion stuffed animal.

After Leo opened his many many gifts which I'm sure we'll have a blast organizing in his room that already has so much stuff, Billie opened hers and I opened mine and then we each had a present for Delilah to open.

"Leo do you wanna help your sister open her presents?"

"Yeah! Look Dee you has to tear open da top and then rip off the rest off the paper! See?" After the present was opened, Leo held up the present in front of Delilah.

I had gotten Delilah some more teething toys since she was starting to grow some more teeth. She took the box and immediately tried to put it in her mouth.

"No! No baby not yet. Let's open the rest of your gifts first honey." I took the box from her and set it to the side, grabbing Leo's gift for her.

He and Billie went out and he picked out some cute little pink bows to put in her hair. Lastly we opened Billie's gift for Delilah which was a little blohsh shirt from her merch store.

"Oh my god, I didn't even know you still had any of these." I said, reminiscing on the last photoshoot she had with all the kids.

"I kept a couple to myself cause I knew I wanted to have kids with you."

I smiled and we decided to put Delilah in the blohsh shirt for the day. And oh my god she looked so adorable. The material was soft so luckily it didn't give Delilah any issues.

We were supposed to be going over to my moms house to open some more gifts, every year we switch off from going to Billie's parents and going to mine but for the last couple of years we haven't been going down as much. With Billie's career and me and the kids it was just easier for them to come here.

"Here love, these are from me, I have the rest of your gifts in my car. I couldn't fit them all under the tree." Billie handed me two small boxes as she took Delilah out of my arms so I could open them.

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