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(Billie's pov)

Since it basically never snows in LA, neither of our kids have ever experienced snow so I made the impulsive decision to buy a snow maker we could use in the backyard.

But let's just say Leah was not very happy when I came home from work with it.

"Billie where the hell are we even gonna put it after we're done? This thing is huge." She asked after I dragged it to the backyard.

"I will find somewhere for it in the garage or one of the closets." I said back, truly not seeing the big deal.

"I don't understand why you splurged on something like this. I know we have the money to but this is ridiculous! The kids are gonna use this for like a week and then get bored of it and it's just gonna sit in the closet like all of the other crap you impulsively bought."

"Oh my god, Like what?"

"Oh, let's see: the basketball net, the slip n slide, the camping tents, the fucking bouncy house that they haven't touched since Leo's birthday!" She shouted.

"Well I am sorry that I wanna buy something fun for our kids to enjoy."

"Do not pull that shit, do not make me out to be the bad guy here Billie, because you know I'm right. They can have fun without us spending $1,000 on something they're only gonna use once or twice!"

She put her hands over her face, her two pointer fingers pinching the bridge of her nose and sighed deeply.

"You know what? I don't wanna argue about this okay? You already bought it so whatever, let them play with it for a week and then collect dust in the stupid garage. I don't care. I'm gonna go take a bath." She marched upstairs and I faintly heard our bathroom door slam shut.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. Well that's a great thing to come home to. I went up to the kids room cause I just know we had woken them from a nap and sure enough Leo was sitting on his bed clutching one of his plushies. And Delilah was in her crib fussing.

"Why you and mommy yellin?" He asked.

I sighed and went to pick up Delilah to calm her down. "Me and mommy just a had a little fight baby, it's okay."

"Did yous say you sorry?"

"Not yet buddy but I will. Sometimes sorry doesn't always make things better. It helps but the problem doesn't just go away." I told him.

"Wha you mean?"

I sat down next to him to have a little talk. Whenever a learning moment comes around for me or Aleah to teach him something whether it's a life lesson or just telling him something about being a person we always take the opportunity.

"Think of it like if someone accidentally scratches you while you're playing. They didn't mean to it just happened and you started bleeding, you'd be upset right? Cause it hurt."

He nodded.

"Well saying sorry doesn't make the hurt go away now does it? And it doesn't make it stop bleeding. So me and mommy's fight is kinda like that scratch. Momma can apologize for scratching mommy all she wants but that doesn't make it better. I have to make it up to her."

"You put band aid on it?" He said and I chuckled, kissing the top of his head

"Yeah exactly buddy. I gotta put a band aid on it. I'm sorry we woke you. Why don't we go downstairs and I'll put on paw patrol while I go but a band aid on mommy's scratch okay?"

He smiled and climbed up onto my back, silently telling me to give him a piggy back ride. I set him on the couch and Delilah in her playpen. Thankfully Leo was smart enough that we could leave him alone in a different room and not have to worry about him. He knows what he can and can't touch and do alone and he knows to alert us if something happens with him or Delilah.

I went up to our room and knocked on our bathroom door. "Leah, can I come in baby?"

"Yeah, come in."

I opened the door and cracked it before sitting by our tub and leaning on the edge.

"Look I'm sorry. I shouldn't have bought it without telling you about it first. I honestly didn't think it would upset you this much."

"Honey I don't mind you buying things for the kids, I really don't. I know we have the money to splurge on things but 1: that doesn't mean we should and 2: I don't want to spoil them. They need to learn they can't always get what they want or what they like."

"I understand love. I'll try not to spoil them too much okay? I just want them to be happy. I wanna make them as happy as humanly possible."

She took my hand that was resting on the edge of the tub. "They are happy Bil. And they will continue to be without super expensive gifts and toys."

I smiled and kissed her hand. "Listen, I still have the receipt for the snow maker. So if you really want, I can return it."

"You can return it after they've had their fun. No use in wasting it I guess."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded and smiled. "Yeah. But as long as you promise to return all the other crap you bought."


We shared a kiss as we often do after an argument and I helped her out of the tub to get dressed so we could play with the new snow maker.

We made the kids a quick lunch and then got them dressed in clothes we didn't mind getting dirty so they could play in the fake snow and knowing Leo, so he could play in the dirt as well.

We made sure to keep it away from Aleah's garden cause she would have all of our heads if we messed it up so I set it up a little further away kind of in the back of the backyard and I plugged everything up.

Leo absolutely loved it he went crazy over the fake snow it was amazing. It wasn't really that cold so it wasn't exactly like the normal experience but I honestly don't think he minded. Delilah kinda liked it but not as much as Leo so overall it didn't last long and I definitely will be returning it next week.

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A/N: Guess who's 18!!!!! AHHHHH

anyways, i love you guys i hope you're enjoying the book leave me feedback!!

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