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Over the past few days my dad's condition has only worsened. While he has woken up much to my dismay, since then everything has gone downhill. I'm not even sure how to feel about it all.

One part of me feels I should be sad that he's practically dying. The other part of me feels absolutely no remorse for him and what he's done to me.

I went in for about the 3rd time to check his pulse and vitals.

Thankfully I got the full story when we woke up. Apparently he was drunk driving and crashed into a tree and him being the idiot he was wasn't wearing his seatbelt and went flying through the windshield.

The impact caused 3 of his ribs to break and the glass got into his side scratching one of his internal organs. He also had multiple bruises and he lost a lot of blood which was expected.

Going into his room I tried my best not to let all of my fear show as I checked everything I had to.

"Alright 37 bpm...blood pressure is..okay." I mumbled some more things writing them down on my clipboard.

Something I definitely was not prepared for was my dad reaching up to grasp my pendent making me gasp and slightly jump.

"That's nice, where'd you get that little relic?" He asked weakly.

"Um I got matching ones for me and Billie a few Christmas's ago." I said my voice still being a bit shaky. "Please don't touch it." I moved his hand and put it down by his side as I backed away slightly.

"Everything on you looks good right now. I'll be back in a few hours to run some more tests."
I started to walk out the door but was stopped by the sound of his voice.

"Leah..wait. Can we talk?"
I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as I turned around.

"No, actually we can't. You've had multiple chances to do that and you refused them all. You know I really really tried. I tried to get you to change I tried to give you as many chances as possible to talk to me and make things right but they all blew up in my face. Literally in my face. Now I don't know who you think I am, but I can assure you that I am not your weak naive teenage daughter anymore dad. Your time to talk has run out." I said it about as calmly as I possibly could.


"Now if you'll excuse me, I have other patients to attend to."

Before he had the chance to say anything else I left his room. Closing his door and leaning against the wall letting out a big breath I was holding in. The only other time I've stood up for myself like that was when I was 16 and I quite literally got thrown out of his house for it.

I gathered myself and my thoughts, continuing on with my day which surprisingly went by pretty fast and it went very well.

A part of me did feel bad for not letting him talk to me, and wondered if I should go back. But I refused to. I was not going to let him have any sort of control whatsoever over me. Not anymore.

As I was leaving the hospital after my shift I got a call from Billie. I hooked it up to my Bluetooth as I got in my car.

"Hey baby."

"Hey angel, so I know you just got off but I need you to go by the adoption agency and get the final papers we need to look over and sign."

"Why can't you do it?"

"Cause I'm a little busy right now my love, could you just get them please darling?"

"Okay baby I'll get them. I'll see you in an hour. I love you."

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