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(Aleah's pov)

"I'm not saying I look ugly Bil, I'm just saying that I feel like I look like a whale. I'm 7 months pregnant and I look like I'm carrying a toddler. It's crazy." I explained, rummaging through my pants to find one that fit.

"Leah, you do know your body is carrying two babies right?"

I threw another pair of pants at her. "Of course I know that. I guess it's just weird to look at myself now. I feel like I look like a different person. Oh my fucking god! Where are my pants!" I exclaimed after 10 minutes of looking through my closet.

"They're scattered all over the floor."

"Nooo, my blue jeans that I bought last month." I whined, tearing our room upside down looking for them.

"Ohh, love, I think they're in the wash."

I groaned loudly. "Are you serious? Those are the only good going out pants I have!"

"Baby just wear sweats, it's just a quick checkup."

"I just wanted to look cute going out."

"My love you always look cute. Even in sweats." She gave me a quick kiss and urged me to get dressed before we were late.

Today was my 7-month pregnancy checkup and coincidentally it was also valentines day and Billie had a surprise for me after we got back. Her parents were at our house watching the kids while we went to the appointment.

"We get to hear both their heartbeats today love." Billie said, placing her hands on my stomach.

"Are you excited?"

"Very. Okay let's go."


Kate moved the microscope around my stomach as me and Billie anxiously waited to see our babies and hear their heartbeats. Me and Billie's hands were intertwined tightly, both of us looking at the black and white monitor.

"Okay, here is baby number one. This looks like the girl." She stilled in that one space for a moment so me and Billie could look at our daughter.

"Is she sucking on her thumb?" Billie asked, seeing her hand close to her face.

"She could be. So they're kind of in the stage where they are discovering their surroundings. You know their hands, the umbilical chords, their feet, and they can start responding to outside sounds."

"That's adorable." I said softly.

Kate moved the microscope around until she landed on Elijah who seemed to be playing with his feet which made all of us giggle. After the ultrasound Kate got some other things set up so we could hear the babies' heartbeats.

We hadn't heard both of them yet simply because the machines they used to hear them had been broken so this would be our first time.

We attached all the stuff to my stomach and turned the device on and it took a couple adjustments but within minutes we heard a heartbeat and then shortly after a second one. It made my eyes well with tears as well as Billie's.

"That's our babies, Bil." I whispered, my voice breaking.

"Is there a way you can isolate one or the other?" Billie asked.

Kate isolated each babies heartbeat so we could hear them separately. Thankfully both of their heartbeats were healthy and strong. We even got pictures of them both to take home and I told Billie she should sing to them at some point and she happily agreed.

After the appointment Billie told me that my valentine's day gift and surprise birthday was waiting for me at home.

"How is my surprise gonna be ready at home?"

"You'll see. I remember you telling me after we had Leo that while you do love spending valentine's day with me, it would be great to incorporate our whole family since the holiday was to celebrate love."

I lightly blushed at the fact that she remembered that.
"Did the kids make something?" I asked.

"Shush! No hints. You will see when we get home."

I laughed and said okay and simply waited. Once we pulled up to the house she helped me out and told me to wait on the steps so she could make sure everything was ready. A couple minutes later she came back out to get me.

With her hands covering my eyes she walked me through the living room, making sure I didn't trip on any toys, and into the kitchen where I could already hear Leo giggling.

When she finally uncovered my eyes I saw both our kids sitting on the table next to some plates. Plates that had their foot and hand prints on them, and I didn't know if it was my hormones or the fact that I had just heard my babies' heartbeats that made me tear up so much. 

"Oh, baby this is so cute! Oh my god! Look at their little hands!" I picked up Delilah who was reaching for me and Leo stood up on the table to give me a hug.

"I figured since we never really got Delilah's prints from when she was born we could make our own. And maybe as they all get older we can make new one's every couple of years and have a little collection."

"Baby this is an amazing idea. I love this so much. I feel bad now, I didn't get you anything." I whined a little, pouting at her.

"Hey, yes you did. Baby you give me the most amazing gifts every single day. Our kids. Every day when I wake up the first thing I think about is our amazing family. That is more than enough for me, okay? I just love to give you things, I don't expect anything in return."

She kissed my forehead and went to put the plates up on display in our living room. I shook my head at how amazing this woman is and turned to Maggie to chat for a little bit before her and Patrick left.

Once they did we put the kids down for a short nap and I took the opportunity to have some alone time with Billie for the evening.

She insisted we dance together even though I could barely walk as it is, but it was very nice I had to admit. Soft music played in the background and we lit a few candles and dimmed the lights a bit. One of Billie's hands was around my waist and the other was holding my hand out as if we were about to dance the waltz.

"Thank you again for my gift. I loved it. You're sure I don't have to get you anything?"

"I'm more than sure darling. All you have to do is grow these beautiful babies in here and deliver them safely okay?" She moved her hand to the side of my stomach and kissed my forehead.

"Okay. I'll try my best."

"Good. Happy Valentines day my love. Thank you for taking a chance on me, I know being with me or any celebrity isn't easy. So thank you for that, and for staying. For not leaving when things get bad or hard. And for giving me these amazing kids."

"You're welcome. Thank you for being there for me through everything. Even when I'm being annoying and dramatic. I love you."

"And I love you."

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading!! I hope you're enjoying it

I love you guys, thank you for all the support!

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