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(Aleah's pov)
The next day I went to the doctors office to hopefully find out what was going on with me. But the answer I got was not at all what I was even close to expecting.

When I got home Billie was in her studio and I assumed the kids were asleep.
"Billie, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Of course mama, what's up?" She asked back.

"Um it's kind of important so...come with me please." Walking into her studio I took her hand and led her out to the couch.

"What's wrong love? You seem stressed." Her hand went to gently cup my face, almost like she was analyzing me. "You alright? Your face seems a little puffy, have you been crying?"

"No baby I'm okay." I said, followed by a tiny chuckle. I took a deep breath before speaking "Billie I'm pregnant."

Her face immediately lit up and she smiled.
"Oh my god, that's amazing baby! Why were you were nervous to tell me this?"

I shrugged my shoulders in response. I honestly really didn't know why I was nervous. Billie's face fell the longer she looked at mine. She scooted closer and took my hands into hers.

"What's the matter love, aren't you excited?"

"Of course I'm excited I just...Billie I didn't- I wasn't sick like this when I was pregnant with Leo. I've been puking every other day for almost a month now. That kind of worries me."

"Did you talk to Kate about it?"

I shook my head and she sighed as she pulled me into her side.
"Okay well not to stress to much about it alright? Hopefully it'll go away in time like it did with Leo. It's gonna be okay."

We both decided not to tell Leo or anyone just yet about the pregnancy. Just incase something goes wrong.


"Leo grab mommy's phone and call momma for me please buddy. Delilah sweetie please don't put that in your mouth."

Despite Delilah being a bit behind in development she could still understand simple phrases. While she isn't speaking just yet, she does nod, shakes her head and points. She is very intelligent. Just not verbally. Baby steps as Billie usually says.

Leo grabbed my phone calling Billie. I had her contact changed to "momma bear" so Leo could call her whenever he wanted.

"Thank you baby, here play with your sister and make sure she doesn't put anything in her mouth."

Billie hadn't answered the phone yet and I had called her twice. She left awhile ago to the store to get some things for the trip and I haven't heard back from her yet.

She had only been gone a few hours so I really shouldn't worry. But the last time she left like this and came back things didn't end well.

I heard Delilah starting to get a bit fussy so I shook off the tiny Billie situation to tend to her.

"Hi princess, what's the matter precious?"

"Mommy I think Deedee is sickies. Her head is warm."

I put my hand on Delilahs forehead and her cheeks and she was in fact warm. Very warm actually. "Leo I think you're right bud. I think your sisters running a fever. Okay I need you to go and-"

Before I had the chance to finish my sentence I heard Billie's voice and Leo went running to the door as I shortly followed.

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