Chapter - 31 Drown

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Lily Jenkins

The flight was short. Venice wasn't that far from Sicily. I had wanted it to be longer. No one could hurt me in the sky.

But soon, we landed and I was led to a large, luxurious yacht. It was dark with golden light. Beautiful and mysterious. Much like its owner.

The constant movement of water proved to be soothing. The night had fallen and I knew trying to sleep again would prove to be futile. Dante didn't say a word as he led me to one of the bedrooms.

I was worried. Overthinking chewed away at everything that had gone down between Dante and me.

He was regretting me, wasn't he?

I forced myself to lay down on the large bed, Teddy Baby pulled to my chest once again.

Samuel burnt the house down.

The house had been so beautiful. I found myself mourning it a little. All those books we had bought were now burnt.

It was almost in the middle of the night when I heard familiar footsteps. A gentle knock vibrated through the air, followed by his husky voice. "Blue."


"Can I come in?"

I sat up, taking three deep breaths to calm myself down, and then permitted him.

He paused open the door, now having changed his clothes to another three price suit. His every hair was in place. He looked beautiful as the midnight moonlight fell on him through the fairly large window on the wall.

"I have to go somewhere," he said. "I just wanted to let you know." He looked at Teddy Baby. "I want to drown him."

I chuckled. "He bites."

"I'm sure he does," he said dryly.

"I will see you in the morning?" I asked.

"No," he said. "This may take a few days. I left Sicily too early, so some business is unfinished. I will fly back and be back in a few days."

"Then why did you fly with me here?"

He shrugged. "Needed to threaten a few people."

Yeah, that made sense. "How many days are 'few days'?"

"A week minimum, two maximum."

Don't leave me.

Perhaps it was selfish. But he had saved me from the fire. When he was around, it felt as if there was nothing in the whole world that could hurt me.

I nodded.

"Alright then," he murmured. "I'll see you."

He turned and walked out, closing the door behind him, and everything I wanted to say to him died on the top of my tongue and I swallowed it with my tears. 

He is leaving just for a few days.

A few days.

Two weeks.

Fourteen days.

Don't leave me.

I knew I'd be safe. He must have someone keeping me safe. He wouldn't leave me without anyone here. I knew that.

Yet I watched the door, my ears yearning to hear those familiar footsteps again.

Dante was an addiction.

It somehow reminded me of what Leyla had said.

He is without heart.

Maybe she didn't want me to be with Dante because of the whole bastard thing, but she seemed genuine. I had seen the hostile glances people threw her way at the birthday party.

She was the future queen of the Valentino Mafia and yet everyone in the mafia treated her just a bit better than me.

Get out before the mafia swallows you whole.

I sighed, laying back down, and bought Teddy Baby on me.

I'd be out of here before the mafia swallowed me whole.

He is without heart.

I didn't believe that. I couldn't when surrounded by flames, it had been my hand he reached for, it had been me he bought to safety. When he could have just walked away.

He could have crossed every line with me. He could have manipulated me. I was vulnerable when we met. I needed protection. Anything he had asked, I would have done it.

But he opened his house, cooked for me, and treated me with respect.

He is without heart.

He certainly wasn't.

. . .

Life on the yacht felt slow. A pair of identical twins were on the yacht with me and they preferred to keep their conversation to themselves. They served food, which I never saw them cook, and they asked me 'Are you okay?' and 'Do you need anything?' each day thrice.

Almost like they had been ordered to ask me that.

Three days seeped into four, five, and then six, and not a word from Dante was heard.

I asked the twins and neither of them proved to be useful.

So I waited for him.

And I wrote.

I wrote beautifully.

. . .

This book will not be as long as STOLEN and THEM.

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