Chapter Fourteen: Mile high

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~~This chapter contains sexual content~~

With a sigh, Fable closes her laptop. She has spent hours editing photos. At this point she can barely see straight anymore. There is a soft knock before Johnny peaks inside.

"Hey." He whispers from the doorway, smiling when she waves him in. He takes a seat beside her on the couch, setting her laptop on the table.

"It's nearly midnight." Johnny sighs as he lays across the couch, resting his head on her lap.

"I know." Fable sighs, leaning down to kiss him tenderly.

"It worries me how little you've been sleeping, lovely." Johnny murmurs as she pulls away.

"I'm young, I'll survive. Now as for you..." Fable giggles as she strokes his cheek.

"I'll be fine." Johnny purrs as he pulls her back down into another kiss.

"You know what sounds really good right now?" Fable purrs, running her lips over his as he attempts to take another kiss. However, she pulls away before his lips can collide with hers.

"What?" Johnny asks, kissing her fingers when she trails them over his lower lip. With a laugh she leans down to kiss him again. Meanwhile, her hand begins to trail down his chest. Her touch is so light Johnny hardly notices, until her hand passes his belly button.

'What is she doing?' Johnny thinks as their kiss heats up.

"Baby?" Johnny questions, letting out a hiss when she suddenly grabs his member far too roughly. When she pulls away from the kiss, it's none other than Amber...


"Fuck!" Johnny cries as he flies out of bed, covered in sweat. There is some rumbling outside his door before it creaks open.

"Johnny, are you okay?" Fable asks from the doorway, hesitantly peeking inside. With a groan, Johnny collapses back onto the bed.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Johnny sighs, staring up at the ceiling.

"You don't look fine." Fable says as she carefully takes a seat beside him.

"It was a nightmare, that's all." Johnny says, giving her a forced smile.

"Yeah?" Fable questions as she opens his sheets. Much to her surprise, Johnny makes a point of hastily covering himself. She gives him a confused look but crawls under the covers regardless.

"What time is it?" Johnny asks as he tentatively curls up behind her.

"Almost two in the morning." Fable yawns, wiggling closer as Johnny slides his arm under her pillow.

"Did I wake you up?" Johnny whispers as his arm tightens around her waist.

"No... I woke up from my own nightmare a few hours ago." Fable sighs, nuzzling her nose into his arm.

"About your dad?" Johnny asks hesitantly.

"No... I'd rather not talk about it if that's okay." Fable says, peeking at Johnny over her shoulder.

"Of course, love." Johnny says with a sleepy smile, placing a kiss on her forehead. She is practically beaming as she wiggles into a comfortable position.

"Baby, you can't keep doing that." Johnny groans, squeezing his eyes shut as warmth floods down his body.

"Doing what?" Fable asks in confusion.

"Wiggling against me like that. You are driving me crazy." Johnny groans, sounding a little more angry then he meant to.

"I'm sorry." Fable whispers as she looks away.

Sweet silk; Tattered leatherWhere stories live. Discover now