Chapter Thirteen: Meeting the band

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Fable groans as she stretches across Johnny's bed, disappointed to find Johnny is missing. As her mind awakes, she realizes what woke her up. Someone is playing the guitar deep within the house. With a smile, she climbs out of bed, pulling on the silk cream robe waiting for her on the edge of the bed. Fable's bare feet hardly make a sound as she walks through the house in search of the noise. Eventually, she finds it in one of the many living rooms, but it isn't Johnny.

"Oh, hello." Joe Perry says, his hand still resting on the guitar. Fable gives a startled squeak, turning in haste to leave. However, she walks directly into Alice Cooper.

"I'm sorry," Fable squeaks.

"Oh, careful dear," Alice says when Fable stumbles back.

"Good morning love. I hope we didn't wake you." Johnny purrs as he joins them. He must have come out of the one kitchen Fable hadn't checked yet. Johnny places a quick kiss on Fable's cheek as he hands her a steaming cup of Earl Gray tea.

"Who is your guest?" Tommy Henrikson asks from the couch.

"She's cute." Glen Sobel adds from behind a drum set in the corner.

"Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Fable. I'm almost certain she knows all of you." Johnny laughs as he steps into the living room, picking up a gorgeous white guitar. They all mutter their hellos before turning their attention back to their work. Fable yips when Alice gently pushes her into the room, leading her to the couch Johnny is sitting on. Johnny offers her a hand, which she takes. He pulls her down to him, placing a hand on her bare calf as the band begins talking. Fable mindlessly watches and sips her tea, awestruck. Soon they all agree to warm up by playing 'Whole lotta love' with Johnny playing the lead guitar. However, they stop before they hit the chorus.

"Do you know the words?" Alice asks Fable. She hadn't realized it, but she was mouthing the words right along with him.

"Yeah..." Fable answers nervously.

"Good. Join the backup vocals. I think we could use a sweeter touch to it." Alice says before hastily counting the band down again. Fable obeys, but her voice is weak and timid compared to the others.

"Okay, let's try that again. Sweetheart, you are going to have to sing a lot louder than that this time." Alice says once they're done.

"I don't sing in front of people..." Fable says hesitantly.

"We are just friends here, and you are a good singer. You need some work, technically, but we can work on that later." Alice chuckles, earning a snorted laugh from Johnny.

"Told you, you can sing." Johnny purrs, kissing Fable's cheek. She blushes deeply, remembering all too well when Johnny caught her singing in the shower. Alice begins the countdown again, the band readying themselves. Though Fable tries to be louder, she doesn't have the confidence to back it. Her voice grows shaky and unsteady. By the end of the song, she doesn't have the courage to look at any of them.

"Let's move on to the new stuff. I think we are all warmed up nicely." Alice suggests, watching Fable closely. The band mutters their agreement as Fable turns to Johnny.

"I'm going to go get dressed." She whispers as she stands.

"Okay love. I'll tend to your tattoo later." Johnny purrs as he catches her cheek. He pulls her down into a sweet kiss before letting Fable rush from the room.

"Timed little thing," Alice says as he watches her leave.

"Yeah, she is. I wish she realized how incredible she is..." Johnny sighs, staring at the door she went through.

"She'll get there, she's young, and hasn't learned who she is yet." Alice chuckles, earning a smile from Johnny.

'Still not sure how I got her.' Johnny thinks before turning his attention to his guitar. Meanwhile, Fable rushes up to her room.

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