Chapter Five: Gifts?

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~~The image is to give you an idea of what Sofia looks like~~

Fable stops the second she steps into her apartment, shocked by what she sees. All of her stuff has been messily piled up next to the door. Her expensive cameras are laying out across the floor like the bags were thrown. At least one lens is broken.

"What the hell?" Fable gasps before hastily picking up her equipment.

"Oh, I see the skank has finally come home." Fable's roommate, Sofia snarls as she comes out of her room. Her straight blonde hair floats around her beautiful oval face, occasionally getting in the way of her startlingly light blue eyes.

"What did you do to my equipment? This is my way of making a living!" Fable snaps as she looks over one of her broken cameras.

"Sinners get what they deserve," Sofia growls, crossing her arms over her full chest. She is bigger than Fable in every way.

"You are going to replace these." Fable snarls as she stands.

"I'm not replacing a thing. You shouldn't be out sinning." Sofia says in a matter-of-fact tone. As she does, her phone rings.

"Out sinning? You kicked me out of the apartment!" Fable snaps but Sofia ignores her.

"That's Daddy. He's going to kick you out for good." Sofia says simply as she pulls out her phone.

"You can't kick me out. We signed a contract." Fable gasps but Sofia ignores her.

"Daddy, you have to come to kick out my roommate...yeah...yeah but... but Daddy... yes... Okay, Daddy.... bye." Sofia says before hanging up.

"Fine. You have thirty days to get out." She adds before storming towards her room.

"I want that in writing!" Fable yells at her before turning her attention to her stuff. After taking a few photos with her phone, she begins the long process of moving it back into her room. Three different lenses have been damaged, which is going to be difficult to replace. As soon as Fable is done, she leaves to buy a new lock for her room.


"I can't wait to meet up with the girls." Sofia beams as she exits her apartment. The girls she is talking about are her streaming buddies, a group of young women making money off talking to men online.

Sofia stops when she sees a large bouquet of lilies, orchids, bleeding hearts, and lavender beside the door. It is a very unique bouquet. Whoever ordered it took their time picking what flowers they wanted.

"Ah, someone sent me flowers." Sofia grins as she picks up the heavy vase. Her grin quickly fades when she sees the card tied to the vase.

"Why would someone send her flowers?" Sofia screams before throwing the vase against the door to her apartment in a jealous fit of rage.

"Crap." She gasps when the glass vase goes everywhere. When she sees Fable coming down the road, she panics, rushing into the apartment for a broom. As quickly as she can, she sweeps it all up. However, she doesn't have time to clean up the water. Instead, she flees down the back stairs with the dustpan of glass as Fable comes up the front ones.

"What the..." Fable gasps when she steps into the puddle of water outside the door. With an angry sigh, she heads into the apartment. Fable nearly slips when her boots hit the wet tile but she manages to recover, storming to her bedroom to change her locks.


Sofia peaks out of her bedroom door, smiling when she sees Fable's door is still shut. With a mischievous grin, she creeps out of her room and to the front door.

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