12. Warg Riders

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Assuring me that he had no issue with the intimate touch I'd given him, Legolas brought me to where Aragorn and Gimli were seated within the camp.
The ranger lifted a brow at Legolas' arm around my waist, giving me a questioning look.
Legolas deposited me between Aragorn and Gimli and left to ensure nothing was approaching the villagers.


I frowned at Aragorn. "What?"

He sighed, putting a hand on my arm.
"Don't think me a fool, Eileanór. The twins asked me to keep an eye on you, and I am not blind to the touches between you and Legolas. I am happy for you. You've spent so much of the time I've known you avoiding males, or forcing yourself to see them as family. I am honoured to be a brother to you, and I know Lord Glorfindel appreciates you letting him near you, even if it is just in regarding him as an uncle. But having you finally see a man in a different light will put Elladan and Elrohir's minds at ease; they want you to connect to someone on a more personal level."

I scowled and pulled my knees to my chest, resting my chin on them. "It isn't as though I have a choice. My body has a mind of its own when I'm with him."

"Of course you have a choice." His hand came to rest on my shoulder, pulling me into his side. "You're letting your body accept him. Don't pretend that you couldn't regain control of yourself and reject him."

Tensing, I looked up at him, opening my mouth to speak, but he cut me off.

"No, I'm not saying do it. Don't you dare. I'm saying you could have easily rejected his advances right from the beginning, but you didn't. You could have kept him at arms length and avoided him, but you haven't. He's a good man, one that would be loyal to you to the end."

"At least until he feels the pull to sail.." I mumbled, looking at the low fire that crackled before us.

"He won't. Not until you're ready to as well. If you quit denying your connection with him and bond with him someday, he is the sort who would stick with you until the very end." he urged, making me look at him and giving me a pointed look.

"How can you know that?"

"Because he's a good lad." Gimli piped up. "He could have said 'blast all of this' and gone home after the council, but he came with us to help Aragorn. He could have turned away when Frodo and Sam left, but he kept going, both to help us find the other lads, and to find you when you disappeared after them. As far as I can see now, he continues with us because you're here."
The dwarf glanced at Aragorn.
"No offence lad, but I don't think he sticks with us now for you." he chuckled.

Aragorn shrugged against me. "None taken, I'm sure of it as well. He hasn't stayed with us to help me and Gimli, he's stayed because you've continued on with us. Saving Middle Earth is a secondary prize."

"Shh.. hush now.." I growled, noticing a blonde head approaching through the camp. Legolas came to sit on the opposite side of the fire, removing his swords, bow and quiver.
I watched his movements, thinking over the words of my two companions and debating the truth of them.
Catching my gaze, the ellon gave me a dazzling smile that made my heart skip a beat. I sucked in a breath and dropped my eyes back to the fire.

Aragorn, having watched the exchange, squeezed me against him for a moment, before releasing me and carefully shifting away after ensuring I had my balance in my curled up position, to lay back in the grass. Gimli stood to go relieve himself.
Legolas didn't waste any time in hopping to his feet and taking the dwarf's place at my side, tugging me to lean into his side.

As soon as I was nestled against him, I felt my muscles relaxing; my legs straightened in front of me and I shifted closer to press into the ellon's warmth. A soft chuckle sounded from the ranger. With his arms around me, I heard Legolas' breathing become slow and even; he'd fallen into a meditation already, resting with me locked against him.
A small smile made its way to my face and I continued to watch the flames crackle late into the night, weighing the pros and cons of having the elf as a companion.

A Song for Middle Earth (Legolas x OC romance)Where stories live. Discover now