9. Riders of Rohan

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I hadn't waited for my three remaining companions to catch up. Once I'd caught the most recent trail of the orcs, I'd all but sprinted after them. As I went, tears tried to invade my vision, making me constantly blink them back as I tried to suppress the emotion fighting forward.

I was sad for Boromir, though I hadn't spoken to him much. He had an arrogance in Rivendell that still irked me, and in Lorien, he'd kept to himself, keeping conversations between us minimal. Yet the fact that a man hardly half through his life had been killed already somehow struck me. I had to wonder if it was that bit of human blood in me that mourned the shortness of his life.

What saddened me more though was the loss of our hobbits. As confident as I'd been with Frodo as he left, I was fearful for him. Such a small thing against so many foes; what chance did he really have? At least Sam was with him. Two heads were better than one, especially when planning things out for perilous journeys.

Elladan and Elrohir had never let me go on an trip outside of Rivendell without catching me to discuss the journey with me; even on the occasions when I'd snuck my way out. They always knew what I was doing and where I was going somehow. Maybe after spending so long with them, their twin connection had somehow extended to me a bit, just enough to know if I was well. That or it was father's intuition. But they never let me go without catching up to me and talking to me about the possible risks I may have missed in my planning.

In that extent, I was also glad that Merry and Pippin were together. Surely they would find a way out of their mess? Such sweet little hobbits with their bubbly personalities and joyous songs.
Gritting my teeth and swiping angrily at my traitorous tears, I spurred myself to go faster.

It took a few hours before I found the edge of the trees, but I continued on, not risking rest as I wanted to catch up to the orcs as soon as I was able. They were running parallel to the trees, though keeping their distance from them as they headed south.
The wind was on my side, possibly thanks to the humming I'd started under my breath. It blew towards me, sending me the scent of the orcs rather than mine to them.

If Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli were anywhere close behind me, hopefully the wind would aid them too, if not carrying the scent of orcs, then carrying my scent to Legolas. The orcs had caught a floral scent from me. With luck, the ellon would too.

A few hours after night had fallen, I noticed a couple of torches in the distance; the orcs had stopped for a breather, several leagues from the forest, partially tucked in a dip between two hills. In the sliver of moonlight that broke through the cover of clouds that had formed, I made out a far larger group that I'd expected. With a grimace, I slowed, quit my humming, and moved behind a rocky outcrop in the field, hunkering down behind it but staying where I could keep an eye on the group.

I had to shift though when my own glow startled me. It was faintly illuminating the stones around me. I wasn't entirely sure how good an orc's eyesight was, but I moved until the edges of my ring of light were all within view on the rocks. They were just high enough to contain it, but I had to lay on my stomach, peeking through a crack to keep my eye on the torches ahead.

The sound of horse hooves made my ears twitch, and I glanced to my right. There was faint movement in the darkness, only illuminated by the faintest glint off of dark horse hair.
{"Cethin!"} I whisper cried, springing up from my hiding place and backtracking towards the mare.
{"Oh my sweet girl.. did grandmother send you off to find me?"}

I received a soft, happy huff in reply as she reached me and nuzzled into my face. Just before I could climb on her back, I realized one of my swords still hung from my scarf. Rather than having it poking her as I rode, I quickly placed it into its sheath, then hopped up onto Cethin.

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