10. A Child's First Elf

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Legolas stared at me in shock, and as I held his gaze, a smile tugged at my lips. A moment later though, I felt myself flailing through the air as I was pulled off of Cethin and dragged into strong arms.

Aragorn nearly squeezed the air out of me as he hugged me.
"Where have you been?" He growled, not releasing me.

"Hunting after Merry and Pippin." I gasped out as another set of arms hugged around my hips. Looking down, I found Gimli, his arms nearly breaking my bones as he squeezed me.

Two abrupt 'Umph!''s sounded, and I was released, before another set of strong arms wrapped around me, less painfully than the man and dwarf. Aragorn was holding his side as he smiled at me with relief over Legolas' shoulder. I turned my attention to Legolas and returned the ellon's hug. Without thought, I found myself nuzzling into his neck, the tingles from his touch erasing all weariness from the riding of the last two days. One of his arms tightened around my waist, the other lifting to rest a hand against the back of my head.

{"Don't run off like that again. As much faith as we have in you, we didn't think we'd see you again. At least not breathing."} he whispered into my hair before kissing it.
Gently, I pushed him away and looked up at him.

{"That doesn't sound like much faith at all."} I accused, poking his chest. He caught my hand and lifted my knuckles to his lips. There was a sheen in his eyes and I felt my chest tighten, realizing that our reunion was making him emotional.

"Ack, come on lads, we need to keep moving and see what's become of the hobbits!" Gimli grumbled, averting his gaze from the affectionate gestures.

"Did you fight alongside the men from Rohan?" Aragorn spoke up, mounting the brown horse Éomer had given him. Following his lead, I pulled away from Legolas and got back onto Cethin, who pawed at the ground, ready to go.

"Yes." Frowning, I looked towards the pillar of smoke coming from the orcs, realizing I hadn't seen Merry and Pippin actually get away. But I hadn't heard any more screams from them after they left my view, so I had to assume they had gotten away.
"Come, let's go see if we can figure out where the hobbits have gone."

Cethin took that as her cue and broke into a run. Legolas, who'd just managed to get Gimli on the white horse that remained as I broke away, shouted after me.

"Ai! Wait!" He called. I glanced back in time to see him leap in front of Gimli, spurring the horse after me and nearly losing the dwarf at the sudden movement. Aragorn chuckled and followed, leaning and putting an arm out just in time to stop Gimli from falling; helping him regain balance.

With a smirk, I looked ahead, urging Cethin to go faster.

When we reached the burn pile, my smirk fell and I had to pull my scarf up and tighten it in place to suppress the smell.
The men dismounted and approached the pile, nudging helmets and what remained of limbs to search for signs of Merry and Pippin. Remaining on Cethin, I had her walk up beside Aragorn as Gimli pulled a belt and small scabbard from the pile.

"It's one of their wee belts..." the dwarf muttered sadly, showing it to the other two. Legolas spoke a quiet blessing for their souls and I frowned as I noticed Aragorn's frustration grow. His gaze landed on a helmet and he reared his foot back as though to kick it. Hopping down in front of him, I gave him a small shove back.

"No! You'll break your damned toe!"

He grimaced and slowly sank to his knees. After a deep breath, he let out a aggravated cry.
I placed a hand on his shoulder and glanced around us.

"Don't lost hope... I saw them alive during the battle. They may have gotten away." Aragorn glanced up at me, looking as though he meant to tell me off for getting his hopes up, when something on the ground caught his eye. He leaned away from my hand and smoothed his own over a matted section of grass.

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