7.As I Went Down the River

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The time finally came for us to leave Lorien. All the men of the fellowship, even Boromir, had found plenty of time over the last weeks to rest and rejuvenate themselves.
I stood with Lady Galadriel , dressed in my grey travel clothes, as the others packed our boats with our gear and the supplies that had been gifted to us.

{"My sweet girl.."} Galadriel said, her hand taking mine and squeezing it. {"Trust in your companions, especially Legolas, as you journey forth. It will seem a long time before you're able to see Elladan and Elrohir, and even longer before you will see your grandfather again. I know you have wrapped steel around your heart, but let it be free. The connection between you and the prince of the Woodland Realm is not something to fear. He will be your greatest defence, and if you let yourself love him, you will be his greatest strength."} she said softly, leaning to whisper the words in my ear. I frowned, my gaze wandering to Legolas. He was standing with one foot in a boat, speaking to Merry and Pippin. As the prince stepped out of the boat to grab another satchel of food, the hobbits shared a whispered conversation, ended by Pippin suppressing a belch.

{"Grandmother.."} I breathed softly, turning to face her. She took my other hand and gripped both tightly. {"So many have sailed lately. I cannot let my feelings get the better of me when he could join in the journey at any time."}

She smiled sadly at me. {"He has many years left in Middle Earth; much to do before he sails. If you are by his side, he will ignore the call until his tasks are done. By then, it will also be your time to journey west. You do not have to make an effort for the feelings to grow. You are already feeling the connection, and it will only grow stronger the longer you are together. Let things happen as they may, and I assure you, happiness will come."}

I felt my brow furrow as I looked down at our joined hands.
{"But there is so much pain to be found in love.."}

Her left hand released my right and lifted to cup my cheek, lifting my head to make me look her in the eye. {"But there is also joy, granddaughter, so much joy. Should you all succeed, peace will eventually return to Middle Earth. Should you follow your heart, you will have a companion to join you in that peace."}

An image flashed in my mind as her fingers flexed against my cheek; wide blue eyes set into a sweet young face, framed by ash black hair. It was an elfling, a little girl. Hands lifted her under the arms and the trees behind the child blurred as she was spun through the air, bringing a bubble of musical laughter from the child's mouth.

I flinched back, away from my grandmother's hand, eyes wide as my chest heaved. I lifted my hands to look at them, the ghost of the child hanging between them as it smiled at me gleefully.
Looking back at Galadriel, I found her smiling serenely, her hands folded regally in front of her.

{"That was.."} I whispered, hands dropping to my sides. She nodded.

{"Let yourself feel that happiness.."} she said, repeating my fathers words to me.
Fear and annoyance both bubbled up in my chest, and I turned away from her, striding towards the boats. Legolas looked up at me from the pile of bags he'd been settling in the back of one vessel, sending me a smile. My gaze flicked away from him.

I sat in one of the empty boats, on the front most seat, my hands grasped tightly together in my lap.

The rest of the fellowship joined me, dividing into three groups. The boat beneath me rocked violently as Gimli climbed in, sending both my hands to grip the edges as we tilted dangerously. I sent him a grimace.

"Sorry, lass.." he mumbled, sitting. Legolas stepped in behind him with the paddle. His gaze started lifting to mine and I turned quickly forward, fingers still digging into the wood on either side of me.

A Song for Middle Earth (Legolas x OC romance)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang