11. Onward

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Théoden's son was dead and buried. Gandalf had left us. An entire city was on the move for fear of an attack from Isengard.

Riding Cethin in the midst of Edoras' people alongside Aragorn, I let myself rest. Cethin's slow, even pace pulled me into a calm trance, during which I kept my ears open to our surroundings. A few hours into our journey, Éowyn, the niece of King Théoden, let out a laugh that snapped me back into the present with a flinch. Aragorn glanced at me and smiled.

"They were just discussing whether dwarf women exist." He said softly, nodding his head towards Gimli and Éowyn. A moment later, the horse that the dwarf was riding on bolted, pulling the rope held by the girl from her hands. I urged Cethin to follow the spooked horse as Gimli fell from him. It stomped away from the villagers, weaving sporadically over the plains. I hopped from Cethin onto the poor beast's back and whispered to him calmingly, gripping his reins tightly as it tried to rear me off of its back.

{"Hush now, young one. You're alright..."} I soothed, rubbing a hand up and down his neck. A few moments later, he calmed and began a slow pace, letting me turn him back to the line of people.

"Want to try that again, master dwarf?" I called as we approached Gimli. He eyed us, frowning, but nodded and allowed me to pull him up behind me. Cethin trotted alongside us as we continued on.

"Skittish beastie." Gimli grumbled, his hands gripping the sides of my tunic to help him keep balance.

"Nay, he's a good lad." I replied, rubbing the horse's neck once more. "Don't squeeze your knees too tight, alright? Im going to dismount. Take my place."

"Wait, lass, why not ride with me a bit? At least until we come to a resting spot?"

"Afraid to ride alone?" Glancing back, I watched as his expression soured.

"Auch, off with you then!"

Smiling, I hopped back over to Cethin, who ran ahead with me to the front of the line where Legolas was scouting the road.
He glanced back as I approached.
I reached a hand out to him and he swung up behind me without Cethin slowing to assist in his mounting. Shifting, he pressed his form against my back, his hard chest against my shoulders, and slid an arm around my waist, gaze still scanning around us as though the intimate contact didn't faze him. Heat rose along my neck and I swallowed back the urge to tell him off.

"Up ahead there, see?" He asked, using his free hand to point to where the plains rose to a ridge.
"Let's go up there and see what's ahead. That could make a good place to rest for these people."

With a nod, I gave Cethin a pat on the neck, softly directing her. As we grew further from Théoden's people, Legolas placed his chin on my shoulder, his cheek to mine.
"Legolas.." I warned, pulling my cheek away.

Ignoring me, he rubbed his fingers gently along my stomach, his free hand going to my hip and gripping it. Sharp tingles erupted from his touch, making me shiver and lose whatever words I'd readied to reprimand him with next.

Reaching the ridge, I tried to slide down from Cethin, but he held me in place, straightening behind me to look over the route we were meant to continue on. Nothing moved around us, making him relax. I felt him glance back, before the hand on my hip slid around my waist, locking me against him.
"Allow me this moment with you.." he whispered, his breath tickling over my ear. The sensation had my body relaxing back against his automatically, my heart's willingness to listen to him winning over my mind's adamant refusal.

"Tell me yourself: why is it that you fight the connection between us? Why do you fight the natural yearning I feel in you just as strongly as that which I feel for you?" He hummed. The depth of his voice sent a jolt straight to my core, making the heat on my neck rise into my face.
"I'm not asking you to act on it. I just wish for you to acknowledge it and talk to me. Help me understand why you reject the signs that say we should be at each other's sides."

A Song for Middle Earth (Legolas x OC romance)Where stories live. Discover now