4. Leaving Rivendell

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As night was approaching, I stood before my bed scanning over my supplies and taking stock for the third time from left to right; my twin swords from Elladan and Elrohir, a long bow and quiver given to me by my great grandmother, a dagger from Arwen, a small pouch of dried Athelas buds, a waterskin, a larger pouch filled with rolls of cloth bandages, and my folded travel clothes and scarf made from fabric that my great grandmother's kin used to make special cloaks.

Stripping out of my gown from the council, I pulled on the ashen coloured clothes and looped my scarf around my neck; leaving it loose enough to tug over my head as a hood if needed

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Stripping out of my gown from the council, I pulled on the ashen coloured clothes and looped my scarf around my neck; leaving it loose enough to tug over my head as a hood if needed. I secured a black leather belt around my waist and attached my dagger sheath, waterskin, and two pouches along it, before pulling a weapon's harness over my shoulders to attach my swords, bow and quiver to.

After tying my hair into a low tail, I headed out of my room. When I was outside, a tall male elf fell into step beside me on my way to the stables. I smiled as his hair glinted gold in the setting sun.

"Glorfindel, you come to see me at last?" I teased him, looking up into his sharp green-grey eyes. He smiled apologetically at me.

"Sorry Eileanór

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"Sorry Eileanór. Between your dealings with Lord Elrond's guests, and my own duties to attend to, there hasn't been time to come and see you. And it would seem as though I am too late to greet you now." His deep voice sent a shiver down my spine. I'd always found him quite handsome, and his voice only added to his appeal; it had a musical sound to it's depths.

"You're right; it will be another goodbye you offer me." I said, pausing at the stable's entrance.

"Not quite. Lord Elrond has asked that I join his sons in your protection. I will accompany you to Caras Galadhon and wait with you until the fellowship comes to you."

My eyes widened in surprise, before I smiled and grabbed his arm, tugging him with me into the stables. My uncle and father were finishing with checking our steed's hooves. Noticing me, father put a hand on the neck of the pure black mare he was preparing, urging her towards me. I smiled at the sight of my horse, Cethin, releasing Glorfindel's arm to pet her nose. She nudged into my shoulder and nuzzled the side of my head.

{"There's my beautiful girl.."} I said softly to her in Sindarin, touching a soft kiss to her velvety muzzle. She let out a happy huff as I moved around to her side, resting my hands on her back and hauling myself up to straddle her. She was obviously excited to be on the move again, as she trotted out of the stable without any urging. I laced my fingers near the bottom of her mane and clicked my tongue. Immediately, she broke into a canter over the stone pathway leading out of Rivendell. Glorfindel caught up quickly, his white mare falling into pace behind Cethin. The sounds of my uncle and father soon joined in the beat of hooves.

A glint of silver drew my attention to my left as we moved around the edge of Rivendell , where I found Legolas watching me from one of the pathways. I lifted a hand above my head in farewell, smiling as he mirrored the action. My hand dropped and gave Cethin a light pat on her rump, urging her into a fast gallop. I bent my knees so that my calves were pressed along her sides and held on to her mane with one hand as the wind wrapped around my face.

A happy feeling filled me as I rode. Hearing a whistle from behind, I turned my head. My father smiled at me, giving me a soft nod and whistling the short tune again, urging me to follow up with a song.

As I sang, he joined in, harmonizing with me like he had done when I was young, soon joined by my uncle as well. My heart soared in our harmony and a soft glow spread out over me and my kin. Glorfindel glanced between us, smiling as he listened to the first verse of the song, before he joined in last, his low tone vocalizing the melody beneath our voices.
The sound echoed through the valley around us, surely carrying back to Rivendell. My heart quickened as the question of whether Legolas would hear it came to my mind.

As we emerged from the valley, our song done, the echo of our melody carried over the wind around us for a few seconds, before the only sound was that of our horses.


The journey was thankfully uneventful, and we arrived in my great grandmother's realm in just shy of a month. Entering the forest , we slowed the horses to a gentle pace. I kept my gaze flicking around us, looking for the familiar faces of the marchwarden's that guarded the forest.

At last, Haldir - one of the few elves I'd befriended in my time here - emerged from behind one of the mallorn trees, smiling as he came to walk alongside Cethin.

"Welcome back, Lady Eileanór. How was your visit?"

I smiled and held my hand out to him, he took it and allowed me to help him swing up behind me. "It was surprisingly calm. I just hope it remains that way for some friends that will be coming to join me."

"I fear that it may not. It seems disturbances have been growing south of us in recent weeks." He said, a frown in his voice.

"Have things at least been peaceful here?"

"Calm enough. Nothing we haven't been able to handle."

"Vague as always.." I mumbled as we approached. A low whistle sounded in the trees around us.

"That's my cue.. excuse me my lady." He said, sliding off the back of my mare. "Again, welcome back."

I watched as he vanished back into the forest.

Cethin began jogging forward suddenly, the scent of home drawing her forward. I smiled at her enthusiasm, hopping off of her as she stepped onto the first stone pathway of Caras Galadhon a half hour later.
She continued on, turning towards where the stables hid. Glorfinel and my kin joined me, watching as their steeds followed after Cethin.

Elrohir came to stand beside me, resting a hand on my shoulder as his eyes scanned the houses built into the trees around us. "Sel, go ahead and go home to rest. We'll go greet Nóamillë." He offered.

I nodded and moved away from my three companions, turning down a winding pathway. Some passing elves gave me respectful nods as I walked by, which I returned with smiles.

Near the edge of a residential grove, I ascended a set of stairs built around one of the thinner trees, pushing aside a curtain I'd placed over the doorway that was carved into the tree's bark at the top of the steps, and stepping into my dimly lit home.
I removed my gear and placed it on a table to the right of my door before going to my bed against the far wall. Lighting the candle on my bedside table, I glanced around the room, eyes trailing over the old wardrobe and shelf of preserves on the right side of my room. To my left was a small table holding a silver comb and a potted orange lily plant. It was a simplistic space, but it was home.

Laying on my side, I closed my eyes and allowed to my mind to drift into rest.

A Song for Middle Earth (Legolas x OC romance)Where stories live. Discover now