5. Caras Galadhon

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Legolas' POV

Three months had passed since the council. Aragorn, Boromir, Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry, and myself were being led through Caras Galadhon by Haldir, one of the forest's protectors.

I glanced in awe at the city around us, eyeing the golden leaves overhead and the homes that blended among the trees under the canopy. Around me, my newfound friends trudged wearily along the stone path, all looking as though their shoulders were weighed down by a mighty load.

It was no surprise considering the perils they faced on the way to Lorien; the black birds of Saruman that flew overhead before we reached the Caradhas pass, the pass itself where they nearly were buried alive by an avalanche caused by the white wizard's magic, the deep darkness that stifled them beneath the mountains after we'd turned back and changed course to go through Moria, and the death of Gandalf at the hands of a balrog in those depths.

The entire group was spent by exhaustion and depression.
A part of me was glad that the female of our group had been sent on a different route from ours, far ahead of us. I was sure Elrond's granddaughter could hold her own, but it was still a lot to go through.
The memory of her departure had stuck with me..


Night of October 25, 3018

A soft sigh left me as I walked slowly along the paths of Rivendell, enjoying the fresh air and the sounds of running water. The quiet elleth who was meant to take a walk with me this evening had left a cold space beside me.

It struck me as odd that I felt such a sensation. We'd only spoken on the day of the banquet and for a short time before the council, yet the few touches I'd stolen of her hand in those moments had given me a feeling of peace. Her absence deprived me of that feeling, creating a small urging in my mind to seek her out and regain her company.

But this night, the sound of hooves drew my attention to her departure. Spotting a white horse ridden by Glorfindel, I noticed her ahead of him, riding a steed that blended with the shadows. Elrond's sons were with them as well.
Her eyes found me, though I was unsure how with the distance between us. She offered me a wave, which I returned, a frown tugging at my lips.

It was only a moment, and then she was gone, the view of her obstructed by a building. My hand fell to my side, clenching. A haunting whistle made my ears perk, and I closed my eyes, listening as a melody began.

Her voice drifted on a soft breeze as it began to flow around me, washing me with a calming shiver.
But the sound began to fade, until the night was quiet once more. The breeze seemed to die with the song. My frown deepened as I turned and headed for the guest chamber that Elrond had provided. I'd have to ask him about her departure the next chance I had to speak with him.


My attention was drawn back to the present as the company stopped. A light appeared ahead of them, flooding over them in a cooling glow.
Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel moved towards us, the Lady holding her husband's hand.
I absently wondered what feelings passed between the two when they touched.

They scanned over us, a slight frown on the Lord's features as his gaze settled on Gimli.
He spoke to us about the danger that tracked us, before his frown deepened, his gaze sweeping over us once more.

"Eight there are, yet nine there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf, for I much desire to speak with him."

The hobbits looked down in sadness as my eyes flicked to Galadriel.
"He has fallen into shadow.." she said softly, her gaze looking to the ranger, who tried to mask his grief with an impassive mask.

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