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Hey y'all, just a quick authors note. Y'all already know my bby Aliyah is a free agent, so she can do whatever she wants with whoever she wants lmao. Y'all will see what I'm talking about in this chapter, but no Aliyah slander will be tolerate. Argue w your mama, not me 😂😂

Wtbs, enjoy my lovesssss 💖


I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I jogged in the park. It's a beautiful Sunday morning and Jonathan has been at his dads house since Friday night, so this was a perfect opportunity for me to get a little cardio in.

It's been a few days since my conversation with Jonathan and it's been on my mind heavy every day since. I hope he truly understood everything I explained to him because I would hate for him to get his hopes up if his dad and I don't ever get back together. But, that's another bridge that we'll have to cross when we get to it.

As I neared the end of my jog, I slowed down and walked the rest of the way. I laced my fingers together and placed my hands on top of my head as I made it towards the end of the trail. "Aliyah." I heard somebody call my name. I turned around and saw Tiara jogging towards me as she pushed a jogging stroller in front of her.

"Hey sis." I said as I gave her a hug once she caught up to me. "Hi titi's little prince." I cooed to her four month old son Zion. He is just too cute with his chubby cheeks.

"Hey boo. Getting a little workout in?" She asked. I laughed as I nodded as we started walking towards the parking lot.

"Yeah, your nephew is with his dad so I decided to get some cardio in." I said. "Will you be at your moms tonight?" I asked her. Tonight is the night that Mama Lynn is doing a seafood boil at her house. She told us to start coming around 6:30 so I had a little bit of time to go home, clean up and chill before it was time to head over.

"Yes ma'am, me and the hubby will be there with the kiddos." She said. I nodded and we stood and talked for a few minutes before we went our separate ways.

Before I went home I stopped by Target so that I could get some cleaning supplies and other household items that we needed. As soon as I got home my phone started ringing. "Hello?" I answered it as I grabbed all of the bags to take them in the house.

"Good morning baby mama." I heard Justin's voice. I laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"Good morning. What did I tell you the other night? That thing that you were engaged to is a baby mama, stop playing with me." I laughed. He laughed and I shook my head as I unlocked the front door and walked inside.

"I'm just fucking with you." He laughed. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Just got back from Target. I went for a jog this morning and then I had to go buy some things for the house. So I'm about to clean up and then shower and relax before it's time to go to your moms house later." I said as I sat the bags on the kitchen counter. "What are y'all up to?" I asked him as I put the phone on speaker phone and started taking everything out of the bags and putting everything up.

"The kids are in the kitchen eating breakfast and I just came back in the house from checking the mailbox." He said before he cleared his throat. "I got the DNA results back for the girls." He said.

"What are they eating for breakfast?" I asked him. He laughed which caused me to laugh because I already know what he's about to say. "You know what? Never mind, don't answer that. Just bring them over here in a few hours so that they can have a nice lunch since I'm sure they're probably full from cereal right now." I said. "What did the results say?" I asked him.

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