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"I still can't believe you failed to tell me that you have a son, one who's damn near 10 years old at that." Kaylee bitched. I rolled my eyes.

"Kaylee, what's done is done. It was before you. I told you that I didn't believe he was mine at first, and it wasn't until I moved back that I really started thinking on things." I said. "If that's gonna be a problem for you we can end this now because my son comes before you." I said to her. She gasped.

"Do you hear how fucking stupid you sound? Didn't you tell me that bitch-" She started saying.

"Kaylee, I'm two seconds from slapping the shit out of you. Stop calling Aliyah out of her fucking name." I said to her.

"Are you out of your fucking mind? We haven't even been here a full two months yet and this b-" She started but stopped once I looked at her. "This girl has you disrespecting me behind a child that you're not even 100% sure is yours! Didn't you tell me that you guys are getting a DNA test done?" She asked. I sighed as I shook my head.

"Do you ever fucking listen or do you just listen to what you wanna hear? That's my fucking son, she's doing the DNA test to prove a point to me because I denied him when I knew deep down that he was mine all along." I said. "And I'm not disrespecting you, I'm putting you in your place. That's the mother of my child, my first child and only son at that, stop disrespecting her." I said to her.

"But you'll let her disrespect me and you won't say anything about it?" She asked as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

"She's not worried about you like you are of her." I said. "You're threatened by her because of the relationship she has with my mom, which makes no damn sense. What does their relationship have to do with me?" I asked her as I looked at her. She just stared back at me. "No, I really wanna know Kaylee because you've been making a big deal out of it ever since my mom formally introduced you guys to each other when you went out to lunch with her. You're making a big deal out of nothing. You act like just because Aliyah and I went our separate ways that my mom and Tiara was supposed to do the same. We ended on bad terms, but that was my fault. Now if we had broke up because Aliyah had really did me wrong and dirty, then I would have kindly asked them to cut communication with her as well. Aliyah is close with both of them, so you're honestly just going to have to deal with it. My family stepped up in my absence for Jonathan and I'm forever grateful for that, so there's no way I'm coming between their relationship with her. And I'm done with this conversation, I'm done explaining that shit to you. If you wanna let it bother you knowing that neither you nor I have any control over that, you go right ahead and let it. I'm not losing sleep over it." I said to her. I grabbed my keys and phone off of my dresser and walked out of my room.

It's been a few days since Aliyah and I finally finished our conversation. We also did the DNA test; we decided to go to a DNA testing center and we were told that we should have the results back in two weeks. I already know what it's going to say, but I'm anxious to get them back so that I can meet Jonathan.

I was currently on my way to look at a small office for my landscaping business. I know an office isn't required but I think something small will be helpful to keep up with all of the clients paperwork and filing. My next stop was to buy two work trucks. I already have my own personal one, but I feel like two more might suffice for now. I already had a few men that I hired, I told them that I will let them know the official start date as soon as I have everything squared away, which shouldn't be too much longer. I'd say I should be ready to start in about a week or less.

"Hey." I greeted Aliyah when I walked up to the building. Believe it or not I decided to ask her to assist me in looking at buildings.

"Hey, good morning." She said once she turned around. She had a Starbucks drink in her hand. She wore a black and white printed dress that was short sleeved and had a collar, and it stopped a little above her knees. She paired it with some black heels and jewelry. "Ready to go inside? The owner is already here." She said. I nodded as I looked at her.

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