North was taken aback. "The same reason as last time." He said after a long hesitation, as if he was parroting the words. Again, his facial expression wavered. "Brother-" He said, but then again, he quickly snapped back.

'No, something is definitely wrong.' South thought.

"Anyways, I brought you here to make you an offer." North breezed, it was as if he had no idea what he just said or did. "Tell me America and Japan's secrets, and I will stop with the attacks." He said.

"No!" South replied, furious. "How much of an idiot do you think I am?!" He yelled.

"It's for peace on our peninsula." North glared. "If we team up against those shitheads, imagine how powerful we could be! We have China and the USSR with us!" He smiled sinisterly.

South was appalled. "Do you think I would sacrifice the lives of my allies just for that?" He growled with a warning tone. "Especially since you attacked me, twice. Let's not mention blowing up the liaison office, sinking my civilian ships, and conducting a billion missile tests to "warn me"." He snarled, with a much more lower voice.

"Oh yeah yeah whatever." North said casually, waving his hand as if it was a small matter. "It's-"

He was in the middle of speaking when suddenly South pounced on him, punching him in the face.

"This" He growled, "Is not something I miss, but I am getting tired of your endless nonsense."

"KPA!" North yelled, and immediately his soldiers burst in.

"Well shit." South muttered. He quickly tried to dodge the bullets that we're shooting at him, as well as fighting North at the same time. It wasn't easy, especially with his injuries.

He was about to get killed when the ceiling opened, letting Japan and Seoul fall in.


Japan's POV:

On my way there, I had run into Seoul, who had apparently snuck out to 'get some fresh air'. After I told her about the situation, she quickly decided to follow along.

When I got to the office, the security guards were passed out. They were still breathing, which was good. But the main priority is finding South right now.

Suddenly, I heard a crash from below. Then gunshots.

Me and Seoul quickly ran around, trying to find something that would lead us down. In the office, there were only places that you got go up, not down, so there must be something rigged here.

"Japan!" Seoul yelled. "I found a wire!"

I quickly run over to her and sure enough, there is a thin, long wire in front of the elevator. It was so thin that it was difficult to see, even with my vision. I bring out my katana and lightly tap it.

Instantly, the ground opened, sending me and Seoul tumbling down.

I see that South is having trouble fighting North and his soldiers, so I quickly signal Seoul while falling in the air to land on North, while I take care of the soldiers.


North was about to stab South when suddenly something fell on him.

"Hey South." Seoul greeted him.

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