"Of course we do!" They shouted together, placing their hands on the table, staring hardly at Heidi.

"Well you sure don't show it!"

"At least it's not as bad as keeping things that might save you're friends, and guild-member's life away from them!" Rallied back Remi, her eyes narrowed into small slits.

"IF I KNEW HOW I GOT THEM, I WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU!" Burning tears began to pool in Heidi's eyes, as she scrunched up her nose, something she did when she was frusterated, or angry, or both. She wiped them away swiftly, scowling at her own weakness.

"SOMEONE CAN'T JUST OBTAIN THESE SPECIAL THINGS WITHOUT CHEATING!" Max blurted, her voice getting louder and louder with each word. They were starting to get a few stares from the minimal amount of people within the store- a few had actually left.

"I'M N-NOT DOING IT ON PURPOSE- IT'S JUST HAPPENING! I'LL HAPPILY LET YOU TAKE MY PLACE!" Heidi prostested back, her fists balling up. "You think I want to be cheating in a place where you can die if you make a mistake? Because I don't- I'd rather be safely beating the game just the way it's supposed to be beaten!" She struggled to lower her voice.

"You're the one who was obsessed with it's creator, you-know-who." Hissed Remi. "You met him once. Talked to him. How are we supposed to know you guys didn't form a plan, or something?"

"How can you have such little faith in me!" She shrieked, hair tossing all around, as she shook her head, in disbelief. "We're best friends, and you guys accuse me of doing such awful things!"

Max and Remi seemed to be un-different, still staring at her with accusing glares. All manners, and thoughts about how their friendship was going down-hill was forgotten In the moment.

"Oh, yes because you're completely innocent, Heidi!" Gasped Remi, with mocking, child-like eyes. "The perfect student, who lives on her own because her parents trust her- how could anyone expect she was so scandalously meeting up with the most popular guy, after school! Oh, but now, she's found another one!"

"Remi, don't bring Nelson into thi-"

"Stealing away the boys her best friend loved...Twice!" Hissed Remi, her eyes shooting daggers to Heidi's, ignoring the shocked looks from everyone.

Heidi's voice hushed, cracking. "Remi, I didn't know. Back then, and now." She whispered, even though half of it was a little bit of a lie- she did have a bit of a notion that Remi had a crush on Nelson, but wasn't sure, so didn't take much notice of it.

"Face it Heidi, all you think about it yo-" Max started, getting cut off.

"That's enough, Remi, Max." Interupted Eren, standing up. He had a sad, yet angry look on his face. Everyone stopped, looking up at him.

Nelson looked like he was on the verge of crying. "Please."

Heidi shook her head, forcing herself not to cry. "No. I'm done- you guys do whatever, I'm leaving." All of her food lay forgotten, at the last of it's durability.

She opened up her menu, and disbanded herself from the guild, putting Remi as the leader.

"Good." Remi spat, bitterly, happily accepting the request as being leader.

"I'm going too, then." Nelson announced, saying something for the first time since the start of the fight.

Max and Remi turned their glares to him, knowlingly.

"Following her like a lost puppy, hey? Eren, what about you, are you going to join the Heidi fan club?" Remi seethed, turning his head in his direction.

Eren jumped, as the scary anger was directed towards him.

"N-No, mam! Who would look after you and Max?" He stammered, glowing red.

Max glowed red too, while Remi scoffed, giving a slight nod.

Heidi's face grew red, and she scrunched up her eyes, and nose. Her mouth opened as if she wanted to say something, but she closed it shut, before fleeing out of the door, into the dark, quiet street. Nelson's footsteps followed behind, as he scrambled after her, calling out her name. The tears finally spilled from Heidi's eyes, as she placed her hand over her mouth, to stifle a sob. What had she done?

She bent over, feeling as if she needed to throw up (which was impossible in SAO, seeing as she didn't have a digestive system.) Nelson came up, and pat her on the back, murmuring words of comfort, that Heidi payed little attention to.

But this was not the place to cry, and Heidi knew it, even though there was little people around. She needed to stop crying, period. It would be her goal. She had to become stronger.

"Come on, Heidi, let's go to the inn across the town." Nelson whispered, putting his arm around her back, helping her up.

"Okay." She muttered, straightening herself up, trying to regain her honour. (Zuko moment.)

The two of them swiftly walked across the town, the night crickets cirping an eerie tone. Both of them entered it solemnly, the door chime ringing throughout the empty loungeroom. With the customary greeting coming from the inn-keeper, the both of them went up to the counter.

"One room please," Heidi requested, her voice quiet with emotional exhaustion. The inn-keeper nodded, and the cost of the room popped up infront of her, to which she accepted quickly. It even had a bed- she missed beds.

Nelson was about to step up to ask for his own room, before Heidi stopped him, with her hand.

"Why don't you just bunk with me tonight?" She asked, a faint blush forming on her cheeks.

Nelson, looked down to her for a moment, his mouth slightly parted in surprise, before agreeing. "A-Alright." He murmured, stepping back from the counter.

The two of them walked up the lonley stairs together, the hallway empty. Their room was the one on the end. Quickly opening it, Heidi shuffled in, dropping her sword on the ground, before flopping face first onto the bed, balling the sheets into her fIsts. She fought the urge to cry, replacing it with the warmth of the fluffy, soft bed that she had missed sleeping in. It had cost a lot, but it would probably be worth it.

"So I guess I'm sleeping on the ground?" Nelson asked, equipping his Futon in his hands, rolling it out.

Heidi perked up, looking at him. "Uhh...." Her face glowed red. "If you want, you can sleep in the bed.." She muttered.

Nelson's face brightened, but then blushed, as he nodded hastily. "Y-Yeah. Okay." He dropped his Futon on the ground, it being forgotten.

"But there will be a middle ground!" Heidi warned, a small smile forming on her lips.

Nelson chuckled, nodding his head. "Sounds good."

"Now turn around, so I can change. If you look I'll slap you."

He quickly scooted around, putting a hand over his eyes, to ensure no peaking would happen, as Heidi opened up her inventory, and replaced her uniform for a knee-length nightgown. Nelson also took the time to change his own clothes, his face glowing red for the few seconds he was in his boxers.

"Okay, you can look now." Heidi whispered, turning around, her gaze averted to the ground.

"You still look as pretty as always." He whispered back, rubbing the back of his head.

"T-Thanks." She replied, crawling onto the bed, and snuggling under the covers. Nelson followed, being sure to stick directly to the right, his side of the bed.

"Well.... Goodnight."

"Night, Nelson." Cracked Heidi, her voice wavering a little. She had to keep it together- no crying, no nothing. She needed to be strong.

His hand tapped the wall, turning off the light. Heidi dug her face into the pillow, hugging it as she tried to fall asleep. Despite her efforts, a few tears slipped out.

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