I hate seeing him upset, despise knowing I'm the one who's made him feel this way.

"I know." He mutters, his voice thick with everything he wants to say but doesn't.

My lips brush a kiss against his, craving the connection that arcs between us. I breathe in his familiar scent and relish in the feel of his neatly trimmed facial hair against my skin. I'd like to be able to confidently say if I could go back and change things I would but I can't and I know he wouldn't either. If I could go back I'd do things exactly the way we've done them. I don't regret any of it, how could I when it lead her to us?

I stop the kiss but don't break our connection, keeping my hold on his neck, dragging my thumb back and forth across his skin. "I love you."

His lips twitch as he fights a smile and he repeats his previous response, "I know."

My teeth dig into his lower lip as I reluctantly release him with a grin. "Now come on. Let's go earn a smile from our little mouse, you know she's going to be excited when she finds out our plans for the day."

I grab the bags from the backseat and follow Luca inside. Cacciatore greets us at the door, earning pets from us both, his butt wagging happily. The house is silent as we begin our search for Polina. There's a half finished puzzle on the dining room table, her crossword puzzle book on the coffee table in the living room but no stormy eyed blonde to be found. She's become so comfortable in my house. I usually didn't like seeing things on the counters or tables but found I didn't mind with her. It felt like she was changing my space and surprisingly I didn't hate it. It never felt like she tainted it like it did with anyone other than Luca. Probably because I've started trusting her... maybe even a little more than I should.

We go upstairs straight to my bedroom and immediately spot her. She's crouched in the closet with my bag of tools at her feet, the ones I use during my torture sessions. The bags unzipped, a few tools lying on the floor beside it. A pair of pliers, a hammer, but I don't even blink at the sight of them. No. It's the one in her hand that causes my lungs to stop working and makes the blood in my veins run cold.

My knife.

I pat the pocket of my slacks not even realizing the usual weight of it hadn't been there all morning until now. How had I forgotten it? I never forgot it. Ever. Add that with the fact that I hadn't noticed it wasn't on me until I saw it in her hand and found myself in shock. I knew I had been unraveling but I would have never guessed it had gotten this bad.

She runs her finger over the blade and lets out a little gasp as it slices through her skin easily. Blood wells on the wound and drips onto the wood floor in little dots.

"Oh, topolina, what have you done?" I ask, my voice low and thick with emotion.

I can't decide whether or not the fire pumping through my veins is pushing me to punish her or fuck her.

She jumps up quickly, dropping the knife in her haste as her wide eyes land on me, fear building in the stormy depths.

"I wasn't snooping, I promise." She responds defensively, not seeming to care that the blood dripping from her finger was now painting her bare feet in scarlet specks.

The color is so pretty against her skin I feel myself unravel further at the sight as if my undoing needed encouragement.

"Come here." I demand calmly, placing the shopping bags on the floor beside me.

She contemplates the command, her gaze flicking between Luca and I as if he'll jump in and save her. He's no white knight but she should already know that. Something in me snaps, like the last thread of control finally gives in and before I can blink my shoes are eating up the distance between us and I'm looming over her small form. Terror filled eyes meet mine as she peers up at me, our gazes clashing but she doesn't look away. She lets me see all the emotions on her face, each one only making her more enticing.

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