Rainbow Rocket Pt. 1

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After all the celebrations (Y/n) went up to Mahalo Trail where he saw Lunala there with Lillie. Lunala saw him and cried out happily.

Lillie:"(Y/n)! Good to see you."

(Y/n):"Same here. That party was crazy, eh?"

Lillie:"Yeah. I danced my feet off."

(Y/n):"So what's Nebby doing here?"

Lillie:"Well, I was thinking that either you or Selene could capture it. Nebby needs to be with a good trainer."

(Y/n):"Funny you say that, I caught Necrozma up on Mount Lanakila."

Lillie:"Incredible! Then you need to take Lunala with you."


Lillie:"Yes. Nebby deserves to be with someone strong and capable like you."

(Y/n):"I see."

(Y/n) reached in his bag and grabbed a Poke Ball.

He dropped it and it rolled on the ground and stopped at Lillie's foot

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He dropped it and it rolled on the ground and stopped at Lillie's foot.

(Y/n):"Crap. Mind picking that up for me?"

Lillie:"Of course."

She picked it up and Lunala took the chance to tap its head against the ball and was sucked into the ball.


The ball shook three times before making a DING noise.

(Y/n):"Congratulations. You successfully caught Lunala."

Lillie:"Wait! I-"

(Y/n):"Would you like to give it a nickname?"

Lillie:"Nebby! What did you-"

(Y/n):"Nebby will be the nickname for your Pokemon."

He smiled at Lillie who was confused on what just happened.

Lillie:"(Y/n)! What just happened?!"

(Y/n):"Well, I could've caught Lunala, but Lunala seemed to want to be with the person that took care of it from the very beginning. And now, with Nebby this powerful, you can keep you and your friends safe."

Lillie:"Nebby... Thank you... I promise I will take care of you."


Selene was watching TV with her mom when it started playing an interview with Lusamine. She talked about how the Ultra Wormholes were caused by Necrozma and that everything was handled. Soon, another Ultra Wormhole opened up which confused everyone.

The cameraman turned and someone wearing a black getup rushed past them and knocked them over.

Lusamine:"Who exactly...are you, sir?"

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