The Gang Vs. Aether Foundation

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Selene made it back to the Aether House where everyone looked upset. What happened was that Plumeria showed up after Acerola had left and Lillie left with her by her own choice to protect everyone else. Hau was completely upset about it. After this, Gladion pulled up to the house.

Gladion:"Did I hear that right? It was Lillie who took Cosmog?!"

Hau:"Geh! You know who Lillie is?!"

Gladion:"I still couldn't protect them...? Then what was point of me even leaving home in the first place?! I can't stand this... This useless feeling... I'll blow it away with everything I've got!"

He quickly challenged her to a battle which she won which kind of calmed him down.

Gladion:"That was wrong of me... I shouldn't have dragged you into a meaningless battle like that... But I told you both! I told that Cosmog would bring disaster to all of Alola! I have to get it back from them! We'll leave from the ferry terminal. You're coming with me whether you like it or not, so the only question is, are you ready to come now or not?"

Selene:"Not yet."

Gladion:"Alright. I'll be at the ferry terminal on Ula'ula Island. Get your things in order and we'll leave."

He rushed out the building as Selene looked at everyone in the Aether House. There faces were still sad and Hau clenched his fists. Selene frowned before leaving to buy some more healing items at the Pokemon Center before flying back to Malie City. She reached the docks and Gladion was standing there by himself.

Gladion:"So we're waiting for Hau?"

Selene:"Yeah, we should wait."

Gladion:"Yeah, I guess so... He's a pretty interesting kid. I'll give you that. Growing up in the great kahuna's shadow and still trying to stand up to Hala as an equal? Not just that, but trying to become even better than Hala, too? ...I couldn't do it."

As they were talking, Nanu showed up.

Gladion:"Officer Nanu?"

Nanu:"If only Team Skull could've just kept themselves and their troublemaking to Po Town... Why'd they have to make all this fuss, huh? You there, girl. I'm an island kahuna, you know. Battle against me. It'll be a good experience for you if you're really hoping to master the island challenge."

Selene:"Okay, I will."

Nanu:"Don't take it too serious, now."

He started off with a Sableye as she sent out her Alolan Ninetails. She caught a Vulpix sometime earlier and found in Ice Stone while in Po Town to evolve it.

 She caught a Vulpix sometime earlier and found in Ice Stone while in Po Town to evolve it

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A/n: Why is Ninetails the only good Alolan form? I mean Raichu is kinda alright but eh. All the others are just ugly or very underwhelming.

Selene reached in her bag and grabbed an X Sp. Atk, she tossed it at Ninetails and it was absorbed into her body and raised her special attack by one stage.

Adventures In Alola Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora