Spooky Creatures And A Spooky Town

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"What the hell? How do I get past all this?"

?:"Having trouble?"

I turned my head to see Hapu on her Mudsdale. She hopped off and looked at me with a smile.

"Yeah. These jagged rocks are kind of in the way."

Hapu:"Yeah, it takes a Mudsdale's solid hooves to traverse terrain like that. That's why we have Ride Pagers."

"Well as a tourist I was not given one haha."

Hapu giggled and put her hands on her hips.

Hapu:"I'll get you across if you'd like."

"That'd be helpful. Thank you."

She nodded and got back on her Pokemon and she helped me up as Mudsdale began trotting. I simply had my hands on the sides of the saddles before the terrain got even bumpier and I nearly fell off. I had to clutch onto Hapu's waist to stay on which made her gasp.

"Ah shit! Sorry!"

Hapu:"N-no! It's f-fine! I was just surprised on how bold you were."

She grabbed my hands and wrapped them around her waist and I gulped nervously. She looked over her shoulder with a small blush, but a big grin on her face. The ride then continued.

Horse girls are something else...

We were nearly off of Route 12 when something leapt out the grass and barked at Mudsdale. It cried and stood on its hind legs in surprise and I held tighter onto Hapu who was focused on calming down Mudsdale.

Hapu:"Easy girl!"

What had jumped out was a Houndoom.

It growled as Mudsdale started stamping its hooves into the dirt

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It growled as Mudsdale started stamping its hooves into the dirt. It huffed out of its nostrils and stared down the devil dog. I reached in my bag and grabbed a Quick Ball and tossed it the Pokemon. It bounced off its forehead before pulling it in. The ball fell to the floor and shook three times before clicking.


I hopped off Mudsdale and picked up the ball.

"I'll call you...Hades!"

I smiled to myself and put away the ball.

Hapu:"Wow. First try."

"Yeah. Good thing too right. Didn't want to knock it out."

Hapu:"That's fair. Come on, we're nearly at the end of the route."

I got back on and we rode to an open passageway where I was free to get off. Hapu looked down at me from Mudsdale and smiled.

Hapu:"I better go see your friend Selene and register Mudsdale in her pager. It was fun riding with you."

"Ah, likewise."

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