Poni Island

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Gladion dropped Lillie, Selene, and (Y/n) off at the Seafolk Village on Poni Island.

Gladion:"(Y/n), watch over Lillie for me. Please."

(Y/n):"Sure thing man."

Gladion:"You're strong. Something I'm going to strive to be. I'll protect Aether Foundation in Mother's stead."

They walked ahead as Gladion left to go back to Aether. When they walked, they met up with a strange woman.

 When they walked, they met up with a strange woman

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Mina:"I'm Mina. I'm the local captain."

Lillie:"Captain...Mina? It's nice to meet you then..."

Mina:"So let's get right down to things. Which one of you is here for my trial?"

Lillie:"Oh! No, that's not why we're here! I mean, you're not entirely wrong. It's true that Selene is in the middle of her island challenge, but...we're here to meet the kahuna of this island!"

Mina:"The kahuna? Oh... Well, that's a problem. Maybe you should talk to Hapu?"

Lillie:"Oh! So Hapu lives here on Poni Island? Thank you very much, Captain Mina! Let's go, Selene! It will be good to see Hapu and Mudsdale again!"

They left to go to find Hapu as Mina rubbed her chin and looked at (Y/n).

Mina:"You look vaguely familiar."


Mina:"Yeah. Were you in a movie?"

(Y/n):"I was. Riolu Kid."

Mina narrowed her eyes then gasped.

Mina:"No way! I freakin' love that movie! I actually have a poster of it!"

She went inside her boat and came back out with a poster in her hands and a permanent marker.

Mina:"Can I have your autograph?"

(Y/n) chuckled lightly and nodded. He took the marker and wrote his signature in the bottom right corner of the poster.

Mina:"Ah! This is incredible! That movie is a true work of art. Tell me, would you mind if I painted you like my Kalos girls?"

(Y/n):"Heh, sure. Why not?"

Mina:"Wynaut evolves into Wobbuffet."

(Y/n):"I knew that was coming."

She giggled and walked back into her boat and he followed after her. At the same time, Selene and Lillie met up with Hapu who told them that she would go to the Ruins of Hope to ask the tapu to choose a new kahuna. Lillie also wanted to go in to use Tapu Fini's powers to return Nebby back to normal. Inside the ruins, Hapu was gifted a sparkling stone which meant she was now the kahuna of Poni Island.

Hapu told that her grandfather was the previous kahuna until he passed a couple of years ago. She tried to follow in his footsteps and get stronger by going on her own adventure. And now she was finally chosen. Lillie asked if she knew anything about the legendary Pokemon. In order to summon it, two flutes would have to be played at the Altar of the Moone. One of the other flutes were found on Exggutor Island.

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