Aether Paradise

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(Y/n) was currently sitting inside the Pokemon Center in Konikoni City where he rested his head against his hands. He was tired after trying to think of what to do. Apparently some sightings of the infamous Team Rocket have been heard throughout the region. Not to mention some people wanted to invite Selene to a place that made Lillie freeze up.

The doors opened and Hau walked in to look at him. He saw the stressed look on his face and frowned.

Hau:"You okay?"

(Y/n):"Not really, no."

Hau:"Aww that sucks. Your vacation should have you feeling at peace! How about you come to the Aether place with Selene and I?"

(Y/n):"Nah man, I mean..."

Hau:"Come on. Maybe you'll see something that will cheer you up."

(Y/n):"I doubt it, but I'll go. I have my suspicions about that place."

Hau:"Sweet! Let's hurry on over to the resort."

(Y/n) nodded and got out of his seat and walked out with Hau. Standing outside was Kukui and Olivia.

Kukui:"So you're going with them, then?"


Olivia:"Be sure to have fun and be good. The both of you."

Both:"Yes ma'am."

She giggled and all four of them walked together to the resort.

Selene herself was already in the Hano Grand Resort. She met with Faba, a strange man in a lab coat.

Faba:"I told you before that I would show you someplace astounding, right? Well, that wondrous place is

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Faba:"I told you before that I would show you someplace astounding, right? Well, that wondrous place is...Aether Paradise! Let me tell you about Aether Paradise. Just as the name suggests, Aether Paradise is a veritable paradise for Pokemon that floats far out in the sea surrounding Alola. It is an artificial island, made entirely by human technology, for the protecting of Pokemon! Of course I'm an adult who keeps his promises. So I will prove to you that all I've told you is the absolute truth with a tour of the Aether Paradise. You will come, won't you?!"

Selene:"Sure thing."

Faba:"Good, good. Then you'll come with me. Aether Paradise will amaze you."

Hau:"Wait! Take us, too!"

Hau, (Y/n), Olivia, and Kukui walked in as Hau rushed up to Selene.

Faba:"Oh? Even Kahuna Olivia has come to see you off?"

Olivia:"As a kahuna, I look after all the trial-goers who come to my island. They're like my own children. Not that I've got any, I've never even gotten married."

She then looked over at (Y/n) and smirked as he just scratched the back of his head and looked away all flustered.

Olivia:"Listen up, you two."

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