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Urd: we want to make a deal with you

I was surprised by that and became interested.

(y/n): a deal hmm! This is interesting. I was expecting you all to want to kill or capture me. But what kind of deal?

Crowley: can you bring vampires back from the dead?

(y/n): I can even bring people back to life if I want to. Bringing back the undead is easier than bringing someone to life. I know you become ash so I would need ash or maybe clothes they had worn when they died. However, what would I get in return?

Urd: you get whatever knowledge we have that you don't. And a...

(y/n): alliance?

Urd: basically

Lest: I don't know we should do this with...

Krul: shut up Lest. You are like that just because you dealt with other spell casters in the past.

Chess: he is insane

(y/n): maybe we all are insane. Anything else about the deal?

Urd: you could do some experiments with vampires if they are willing to and your undead can communicate with vampires if they want to. We also may need your help with other things that only you can do. Do we have a deal?

Urd let out his hand. I thought about it and smiled again. I shook his hand.

(y/n): deal. Now, give me ashes or clothes of the vampires you want me to give a second chance.

No one pov:

(y/n) brought fallen noble vampires back from the dead. (y/n) soon got to learn more about things he didn't know. He also did a few experiments on willing vampires and see how they function. His undead and vampires got to communicate more. (y/n) met more spellcasters that vampires didn't know what to do with. (y/n) decided to make them his apprentices. (y/n) liked this new life and alliance. Krul came to him one day for a question.

Krul: do you know if there is any way to make demons once vampires become vampires again?

(y/n): I don't know. People becoming demons seems easy. But back to what they were before, that is just tricky or even impossible to do. However, maybe my grandma would know. She was the first turned demon after all. Why do you want to know?

Krul: my brother became a demon because of Sika. Since you came, I have hoped that you could fix it.

Now (y/n) trying to figure out how to reverse the process of becoming a demon. Will he succeed?

The Insane Necromancer (Seraph of the end x Male Necromancer reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt