Chapter 9 Family Matters

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No one pov:

Timeskip few days:

It had been a few days since (y/n)'s attack on the airport. He kept going with his undead and killed more. Eventually, he decided to make a surprise attack on Shibuya at night. Not as many people were awake, and a few of the undead were pretty sneaky. They took out the guards one by one. During it and before the rest went loud, (y/n) got to sneak inside the main building, and there was a meeting with the higher-ups. They discussed a plan of attack on (y/n) and tried to figure out more about him. One of them just spoke, almost like he didn't care.

Random Guy: I don't think he has a personal reason for attacking us. He probably just wants to conquer Japan.

(y/n): I disagree

Then (y/n) made a surprise attack with an explosion spell. Everyone was dead except one. It was Tenri Hiragi, the leader of the JIDA.

He was hurt pretty bad, and the room was kind of on fire

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He was hurt pretty bad, and the room was kind of on fire. He couldn't move that much. Then (y/n) comes in and uses his magic to lift Tenri from the ground. Tenri looked mad at (y/n) while he was smiling.

Tenri: you son of bitch. You ruined everything.

(y/n): you started it like how you and your nation killed my parents. Remember a couple over eight years ago you killed, and they had magic?

Tenri did remember and spit on (y/n)'s face.

Tenri: yeah, I do. I used their energy and everything of them to help build up. It also helped with making more contracts with demons.

(y/n) for once had anger. He knew they were gone forever. (y/n) now wanted to end him, but before a bit of pain first.


He used his powers to keep banging him to the walls multiple times till he was bloodied.

(y/n): I do see why my parents fell to you and this army even if they are lesser, but I am not my parents. Now before I kill you, any last words?

Tenri: go to hell

Then (y/n) decided to take his life force slowly and killed him. Soon (y/n) could hear the fighting going on outside. He saw how his army destroyed his sworn enemy's nation. (y/n) just felt happy from the sight and that he got his revenge.


Soon, it was done. The labs and other places that helped build up the JIDA were destroyed. (y/n) decided he would leave the civilians alone. He knows they are not a threat. He and his undead were going to leave and go way back home. Then Max and Jade came to him.

Max: can we bring some of the humans?

(y/n): why?

Jade: some of them are some of our families. Like our little sister is one of them, or one of the girls had found her son.

(y/n): you know what? If they want to go, then fine. You are responsible for them. They could stay in one of those towns near us and build up that place so they can live close. I am in a perfect mood right now, and I think I will try to communicate with my family that I have left.

Some of his smarter undead were pretty happy. Soon they got home, and some of the undead went to one of the old towns nearby to have the humans live there and rebuild some stuff. (y/n) went to a big mirror of his and sat down in his chair in Infront of it. He cast a spell, and the call was answered. He saw Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: who is it?

(y/n): It's me, grandma

Baba Yaga: ah, nice to see you again (y/n). Why had you called me?

(y/n): I wanted to tell you about a few things that went on

(y/n) talked with her for a while. It was a pleasant conversation between the 2 of them. He did tell her about what he did within the past week and what just happened. Baba Yaga was very impressed and happy with (y/n). She was avenged for her daughter's death and saw how powerful her grandson came to be. She also didn't really care if he was insane.

Baba Yaga: are you thinking of becoming undead?

(y/n): I'm not sure

Baba Yaga: you know becoming one will make you more potent with necromancy and dark magic.

(y/n): I will think about it

Soon he said goodbye and ended the call. He then thought about trying to call his other grandma, Lilith. He hadn't heard anything from her in a long time. He pushed the same thing, but nothing happened for a while. He was going to get up until something came in the mirror. It was dark; then, a light came from a fire. Then he saw Lilith.

(y/n): Grandma?

Lilith: hello, grandson. Sorry, it has been a long time.

(y/n): where are you?

Lilith: hell, and the queen of it

(y/n) I was stunned for a bit. Lilith explained why she had to leave for a while. Because of the apocalypse, chaos was going on in hell. Lilith worked hard for years and became the new ruler of hell. (y/n) then told his story. They were both impressed with each other. The call soon ended, but Lilith did promise she would try to visit (y/n) sometime. (y/n) decided to rest and fell asleep happy. Vampires heard what happened, and Krul called for a progenitor council meeting. She told them everything about what happened. Now a few vampires are coming. Someone else in Japan also wants (y/n)'s power.

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