Chapter 6 Traitor's Death

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No one pov:

War was continuing between vampires and JIDA. They both wonder if or when the necromancer will attack them soon. (y/n) was starting to get there. He needs more time to feel ready to start the big part of his plan. The vampires thought about (y/n) words from what the 3 said. Ferid thought about maybe he could use (y/n)'s magic for his gain. He decided that he will try to find (y/n) and then kill him or convince him to give up his secrets. Ferid went alone and with a book about vampire secrets and about what he had been doing like giving secrets to humans. 

Ferid in mind: here I come

(y/n) was watching one of his groups of undead doing their work in Tokyo. They found more weapons and other things for reinforcing his undead. He was talking to Jade about current things going on.

Jade: how powerful did those vampires seem?

(y/n): I didn't see much besides them killing a group of zombies easily. They were powerful vampires from what they wore. One of them was a fool to think they can hurt me so easily haha!

Jade: what did they do?

(y/n): her name was Chess and she thought I was easy to hit. She was close and I froze her for a bit before using a force blast spell to hit the ground hard near the other 2. However, it did take a little more effort to freeze her because she was still strong. 

Jade: that is interesting. Are you concerned with any of the vampires attacking you?

(y/n): ha, why would I be? Undead are...

Then (y/n) felt a presence. In a bit, Ferid was leaping from a build trying to attack (y/n). (y/n) turned around and throws his staff at Ferid. Ferid blocked the attack but went back and landed on the ground. The staff then came back to (y/n)'s hand. The 2 smiled at each other.

(y/n): nice try but you need to do better than that


(y/n): don't do that. I will deal with him myself haha.

Max: get him, boss

(y/n) walked a little closer to Ferid.

(y/n): now who would you be?

Ferid: I am called Ferid

(y/n): oh yeah, I remember you years ago. You're the 7th progenitor.

Ferid: how do you know that?

(y/n): I had snuck into places where your kind was before. I also learned more about your kind from some family of mine. Now, why bother trying to attack me?

Ferid: if you want me to be honest, I want that power of yours. I could use it for great use and entertainment. I might even use it to overthrow Krul.

(y/n) just simply laugh like a crazy person before answering him.

(y/n): oh my, you think you can just have my power? Well, I was born with power and magic then studied for years. My staff is also a powerful artifact, and it gives me more power. My power can't be just taken or given away while I am still alive. 

Ferid: then maybe your corpse can be useful

Ferid used an attack from his sword of power against (y/n). (y/n) uses his staff to hit it away. It worked and the force went up into the air.

(y/n): my turn

(y/n) cast a cone of cold against Ferid. He tried to dodge but part of his arm was hit. He felt pain from the cold.

(y/n): feel cold hahaha?

Ferid: you sound kind of insane

He went to strike (y/n) but then he was affected by the staff. It was harder for him to hit and (y/n) blocked the attack with his staff. Ferid felt that (y/n) was strong.

(y/n): my staff gives me great strength when I hold it. Without it, I would be weaker than an average human.

Ferid grabbed the staff but soon regrated. Necrotic energy was hurting him and causing him great pain. He let go and (y/n) took the opportunity to hit him hard with the staff. Ferid fell back from it, and he took good damage from it. He saw he wasn't healing from it. Then (y/n) cast a bolt of lightning. Ferid wasn't able to dodge it and was hurt badly. 

(y/n): don't worry, it will be over soon

Ferid got up and tried to strike (y/n) again but (y/n) cast a powerful bolt of necrotic energy. Ferid then kneeled to the ground from it because he was hit in the chest. (y/n) throws his staff again and the end pierced through Ferid. Ferid look scared before he became ash.

(y/n): there that's done. Oh, what's this?

He looked through Ferid's clothes and found a book. He looked at it a bit and found out what Ferid did. (y/n) smiled and decided he will leave this where vampires will find it. After that, he and his undead went back to the lair. Vampire quickly found out about Ferid's betrayal. Krul later looked at the book and found nothing about her secrets. The vampires didn't care so much that Ferid was killed because of what he did. Now, (y/n) is getting ready for the big part of what he waited for.

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