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Lest: we want to put you down

I laughed a little at what he just said.

(y/n): so, you want to kill me?

Horn: you are to be too dangerous to be around

(y/n): oh, I am dangerous. Have you heard what I just said about what I am and what I did? I am the master of undeath. I can destroy cities, nations, and immortals, and I can destroy all of you.

Then I decided to cast a spell to open a few portals around me that can fit a person through. Out came some of my undead. The vampires seemed to ready themselves. I hold necrotic energy in my hands to ready myself.

(y/n): even when I'm weakened and without my staff, I'm still powerful. Now let's see who will have victory and who will defeat HAHAHAHA!

No one pov:

The battle began between the 2 sides. Both had fought hard to be the other. Vampires use their abilities and weapons. (y/n) using his magic and minions. Even though the vampires are faster and stronger, (y/n) was smart and also had multiple tricks up his sleeve. He used his undead to distract his opponents. It gave him multiple opportunities to cast different kinds of spells to get the advantage above them. In the end, the vampires were on the ground and in bad shape with (y/n) still standing with some cuts and broses and some of his undead beside him. Lest got up and tried to hit (y/n), but (y/n) cast a spell and punched Lest with necrotic energy to get him back on the ground. (y/n) laughed a bit.

(y/n): you see, I'm powerful even in a weakened state with no staff. You all did fight well, but I am the one who always has a trick no one would expect.

Lest: I can't believe I was beaten by some half-human spellcaster 

Horn: he is also part demon and hag

Chess: no fair

(y/n): This never seemed like a fair fight and who said it was? Your kind always had a problem with Pride. Lilith told me this a few times, Pride kills.

Krul: she might be right about that

Urd was kneeling on the ground.

Urd: you're going to kill us?

(y/n) smiled and holds Urd's chin.

(y/n): that's where your mistaken

The others were confused by this.

Urd: what do you mean?

(y/n) let goes of Urd's chin.

(y/n): I'll spare you all. I'm letting you all go.

Lest: what trick is this?

(y/n): This is no trick. I'll give you all the mercy you didn't give me. Besides, killing you all would give me more enemies and I'm done having to deal with enemies for a while. 

(y/n) offers Urd a hand up. Urd took it and (y/n) helped him stand up. (y/n)'s undead did help the others up. 

Crowley: why aren't we healing?

(y/n): necrotic energy is also used to stop or slow down healing. I used a few spells on all of you. Don't worry, it should go away in a few minutes. Maybe we all can get along better someday and other stuff like that. I am immortal too, so we have all the time we need for that.  

(y/n)'s undead went back to their portals and then closed. (y/n) opened a different portal that opens to his living quarters. While (y/n) was walking to the portal, Lest spoke.

Lest: you really think that? 

Krul: you got to be one of the strangest people we've ever met (y/n)

(y/n): see? Progress already! You called me by my name... Until next time.

(y/n) walked through the portal and turned around to see the vampires and smiled.

(y/n): goodbye, progenitors

The portal closed. Those vampires decided not to hunt for (y/n). They were a bit thankful about (y/n) letting them go. (y/n) somehow gained more of his sanity back or might have killed them. He decided to take a break and rest from all that has happened. (y/n) thought of trying to find a partner. One day, he met someone, and that someone isn't human. How would (y/n)'s life be now?

The Insane Necromancer (Seraph of the end x Male Necromancer reader)Where stories live. Discover now