Chapter 4 War Begins

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No one pov:

Not even (y/n)'s undead can be kept a secret forever. Eventually, some had seen them. One day, there were soldiers of the JIDA around a smaller group of skeletons and zombies with a ghoul to lead them. The soldiers were confused then they were noticed by the group. A battle quickly happened.

Soldier 1: WHAT ARE THEY?!

Soldier 2: don't know but they are not vampires, and I don't think they came from them.

The battle left a few soldiers dead, but the only undead surviving is the ghoul. They already hurt a few of the soldiers. They had no choice but to leave. Ghouls are usually fasters than humans, so they managed to outrun the soldiers. The soldiers returned to Shibuya, but some were infected with ghoul fever. They were sick then died and came back as ghouls. It caused panic, but it was neutralized, and this caught the attention of the higher-ups and the Hiragi family. Kureto did an investigation and then talked to others about it.

 Kureto did an investigation and then talked to others about it

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Kureto: I figured out what went on. The soldiers that were infected had been attacked by non-vampire undead and one of them was a ghoul. They must have gotten ghoul fever or disease to make them into ghouls.

The others talked about how this could be. Kureto had an idea of what was going on.

Kureto: another way ghouls are made is through necromancy. That means there could be a necromancer around here. Vampires don't usually do magic so it couldn't be them. The soldiers who survived said there were skeletons and walking corpses who attacked them. Looks like we have more than one enemy.

The others soon confirmed it. They decided to let others know to be more aware of them and also to try and find the source or the necromancer. Vampires soon took notice. A few vampires patrolling saw a group of zombies and a zombie horseman from a distance. They watched them as they drag a few bodies including one horseman.

Vampire 1: what the hell are they and what they are doing?

Vampire 2: not a clue but this may not be so good. They look like walking corpses and even that horseman seems weird.

Vampire 1: I think humans would call them zombies. They look like corpses and walk around.

Vampire 2: we should go and warn the others

They did leave and went back to Sanguinem. They reported on what had they seen. Others laughed and didn't believe them. They only said they would believe it when they see it. However, this got spread around as a joke and got to some nobles like Ferid, Crowley, and even Krul. They weren't sure whether to believe it or not because they knew more about magic and stuff like that. They do think it's possible. The ghoul who escaped went back and reported everything to (y/n). He decided to have a meeting with all of his smarter undead about what to do next after some time of that report.

(y/n): thank you all for coming. Now it's time to talk about what's next. I know that the Japanese Imperial Demon Army now knows I'm around. I even felt some of their men became undead. Vampires might know too. We all are no longer a secret besides the human children who have seen us for the first time of us collecting corpses.

The others chatted among themselves for a bit.

(y/n): feel free to ask me questions if needed

Wight: what are we going to do next?

(y/n): I know what's happening now. Our war has begun. We will try to collect more corpses and reinforce ourselves. I will want you all to lead more and get weapons, corpses, or anything like that that would be useful to use. Do not get any demon weapons from the army because I'm not so sure about what could happen to you if you touch them. I will be going around more and thinking of what to do next. Maybe even kill some people to make things a little easier.

Max decided to speak out this time.

Max: what about the corpses and bones we hoard?

Jade: MAX!

(y/n): no, he did give a good question and others are curious too. I am going to reanimate soon enough when the time is right and also to prepare myself for the number of them. They will be a stronger version of the undead. Once it's done, the Japanese Imperial Demon Army will be wiped out of existence. Now, I will give you more to command to for now for some more protection and help. I declare this meeting over and I hope you all were prepared. Tomorrow, all of you will go out to gather.

They soon left for their stuff. (y/n) chuckled to himself and spoke.

(y/n): Finally, my time is here hahaha

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