"Yes, come inside."

"Dr. Jungkook has got all the tests done. The reports will be ready within a few minutes" she informed.

"Alright, that's good. Where is Jungkook now?"

"He's with Jungsun in his cabin... Shall I call them in?"

"Yeah, we don't have any other patients left, right?"

"No doctor."

"Okay, call them in here."

Jungkook must've went to his cabin thinking that I was busy with the patients.

Jungsun had moderate pain in his throat yesterday. We thought it was just a normal sore throat and tried home remedies. The poor boy couldn't sleep the whole night because of how painful his throat was along with severe stomachache.

Jungkook was up the whole night, taking care of his sick child all alone. He checked his tonsils which turned out to be inflammed. As we were suspecting it to be a case of strep throat and Jungkook had also started developing similar symptoms as Jungsun, he didn't let me be near them.

Both of them were down with fever in the morning. Jungsun was barely able to speak while Jungkook had a sore throat as well. The baby slept at 7 in the morning, so Jungkook wanted to take some rest along with him before getting the checkup done.

Being a responsible doctor, he didn't come to the clinic until the clinic timings were over. Strep throat is common among children and he didn't want to spread it by coming here earlier.

As per the last update that Jungkook had given me, Jungsun wasn't even able to take in liquids as his throat was hurting so bad. He wasn't able to sleep much. Stomachache kept him from lying down in any position. It's quite rare for a strep throat patient to develop abdominal pain. We were suspecting it to be because of IBS that must have kicked in along with the infection.

Whenever Jungkook's down with fever, he gets a severe muscle pain throughout his body. I had no idea how he was managing everything with his sick child.

I wish I could do something for them.

I wore a medical mask and washed my hands to maintain aseptic conditions. Strep throat is highly contagious, and as a doctor, I had to take care of myself. I had the responsibility of the sick father and son along with the clinic. I couldn't afford to be ill at this time.

Then I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in Kook" I said being very sure that it was him.

"Hey hyung..." his voice was so feeble and hoarse that it was barely audible. Jungsun was clinging to Jungkook, mewling quietly with his head buried in Jungkook's chest.

"Hey Kook, come sit here."

As soon as he sat on the examination table, Jungsun squirmed in his hold and started pushing him aside.

"Shhh Jungsun-ah, everything's fine!" I said, rubbing his back while keeping a little distance from both of them.

But it was nowhere comforting for the baby and Jungkook had to stand again, bouncing the boy very carefully in a soothing way.

"Jungsun and I got a penicillin allergy test too. That's why he's upset" Jungkook explained in a very low voice though I was able to hear it.

"Ah.. Now I get it. Well, that's a good thing though. We can start the treatment earlier."

"Yeah... How was your day?"

We chatted for a while until Jungsun wasn't crying anymore. When the baby calmed down, I told Jungkook to sit on the examination table with him to check their vitals.

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