2 months,more to come.....

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Today Behir had marked 2 months of their marriage and Mahir was very happy about it,now he didn't had to hide the fact that he liked her and would tease her a lot about it and openly flirt with her and he enjoyed every bit of it.

Bela on the other side was quiet content with the way her life was going for the first time in her life,she hadn't ever thought she would be married to a complete stranger,moreover in a house full of males and enjoy every bit of it,She was growing to love this family as her own as she she spent every day with them,they were a bunch of people with very different personalities but still what United them together was their endless love for eachother.They had very nicely welcomed her into their family with open arms.

Mahir was planning to do a tiny celebration for their 2 months of togetherness because he wasn't able to do anything for their 1st month of marriage because he was busy and moreover Bela was at her grandparents home.He was never a man who believed in such things but love changes everyone and he knows now that maybe he had married Bela because he had liked her at first sight but now he is in love with her and he can't deny it,everyday as she cared for his family,cooked for them with love,fussed over Ishan as if he was a kid,as she teased him back a lil to annoy him,as she spent time with his dadu and encourage him to go to walks,as she behaved so maturely taking care of everyone as if she is the eldest and the responsible one,as she manages the home so well,as she treats the staff with respect,as she laughs,she smiles,she huffs in anger when he teases her,she blushes everytime he flirts with her or any of his brother's tease her,he is in love with her,her everything and he cannot wait to tell her his true feelings,but he knows he had to give her sometime and take it slow,tiny steps.

So he had planned to do a simple celebration with simple cake cutting and bought a gift for her which she would definitely like.He had started the day usually teasing her having breakfast with his  family and leaving for hospital.

Bela was in her art gallery completing a painting when their a courier guy came and gave her something,Bela signed it and received the courier.

She opened the nicely wrapped box and in was a small chocolate bouquet.

She opened the nicely wrapped box and in was a small chocolate bouquet

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With a small note,she opened the note and read it's content.

"Happy two months anniversary dear wife,cheers to more happy,fun filled months and years to come.......

Yours loving husband,
Mahir Sehgal"

The note was not written by mahir rather it was printed and Bela laughed at it, because he knew she wouldn't be able to understand his handwriting,and the fact that he remembered their 2 months anniversary and sent her such a lovely cute bouquet made her heart swell with happiness.

She thought to call him and personally thank him for the gift but then thought to do so with a nice gift for him.So she dragged Shruti with her to go to shopping to get him something.

After thinking a lot she decided to give him perfume, because he a sucker for one.So Bela purchased a perfume set for him to gift him.

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