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Hello to all the pvpians out there

U all must have heard the false news by now n it's really disheartening to now this that an innocent soul like him is being accused of such a dirty crime .

He is the one who always respects woman . He loves his sister n worships his mother  , a person like him cannot do this, it's nonsense .

He had been into a relationship with a girl for 9 years had he been such kind of person he would have tarnished the image of his girlfriend who left him after such long tym . But till date he had never ever attempted to even reveal her name .
That's him the innocent gentlemen the most humble n calmest person who respects women by heart .

Just imagine what would her mother be going through when his son was arrested under such case at night, she must have had no one to seek help .Moreover she is recently shifted to Mumbai after her husband's demise . Already her grief over her husband was a difficult task n now his son going through all this .what would a mother's heart be feeling .

All this was done for a stupid false allegation.

When the supposed victims mother herself agrees PEARL innocence what is left to check ????

This is definitely a trap n he is having a difficult tym

I request each one of u to keep supporting him as always n pray for him n my god proves his innocence as soon as possible


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