Jurassic Park

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Ok I wanted to do this since it was the 100th chapter of the book!

not to mention I never see any Jurassic park or would Au's so I wanted to do this and here you go ! 

just to mention that this will  be a transcript but I will work on it to make it seem not to much though

Not to mention that I would want to thank you all of you readers for reading this book to keep it going on ! 

_ Emiko-chan 

Art belongs to Rob0ti on Tumbler  IT IS NOT MINE NEITHER IS JURRASIC PARK 

check it out !

Lexi as Hitoshi shinsou

Grant as Aizawa

Timmy as Izuku

gennor? vlad 

Malcome? Midnight 

ellie is mic 


T-rex's first appearance

The goat from earlier is still standing in the rain, bleating. The cars have stopped next to the Tyrannosaur paddock. Aizawa runs through the rain to get back into his car.

" Their radio's out too. Vlad king said to stay put."

" Are the kids okay?" midnight asked 

" didn't ask. Why wouldn't they be?" Aizawa asked 

 " Kids get scared." Midnight said, espcially if they are in a strange place where they don't know the dangers really well,

" exused me  we don't " mineta said " Bro you piss your pants in every battle " Sero said 

Aizawa- :What's scary? It's just a little hiccup in the power. " trying to reasure Midnight and himself  to make sure that he wasn't very nevouse about this 

 "I'm not scared." Midnight pouted to Aizawa 

 "I didn't say you were scared. " Aizawa had shots fired to Mic

" I know. " Midnight said 

In the second car, Izuku suddenly pops up wearing night vision goggles, startling Hitoshi.

Vlad King noticed izuku using some goggles " Hey. Where did you find those?"

" In the box under my seat." Izuku explained to vald king because those things he was wereing were so cool he could see into the night and the rest of the dinos with them.

" vlad he is just a kid." Yagi said

" Are they heavy?" Vlad questioned Izuku for them after all they were the parks 

" Yeah." Izuku blushed in embaressment 

" Then they're expensive. Put 'em back.

Izuku  ignores Vlad king and climbs into the back seat. Hitoshi smacks Izuku on the leg but Izuku just looks outside the car and into the pouring rain

" DAMNNNN. You just straight up ignored Vlad king." sero said " " AAhhh I'm so sorry " " your fine kid  just make sure you don't do anything stupid. 

" Don't scare me." Hitoshi scolded him but Izuku ignores and  looks out into the rain through the goggles, enjoying the view.

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