I hate my mom

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"Talking"- In Au

"Talking"- Outside Au

'word'- Thinking

"Word"- Singing in Au


A/S= Author-San

⚠️talks about an ED⚠️
If you have problems with that please skip this chapter

"Alright guys so for this one it's going to be a little sad...and it's not about Izuku this time it's about Bakugo"-A/S

"What? Why me? There's nothing wrong with me?" Bakugo said nervously 'if that extra shows them anything I'm killing her'
"It's okay Kat I'm sure it'll be fine" Kirishima said comforting him
"Y-yeah sure let's....just start this shit" he said taking a deep breath
"Alright let's go"-A/S

The screen lit up showing Mitsuki standing over Bakugo who's head was down while sitting on the couch.

"You're gonna do what I tell you, you live under my roof. Follow my rules" she said to him "don't speak unless spoken to, this whole room don't need to know you" she said slapping him upside the head

"Hey wtf!?" Denki screamed
"Not cool man!" Sero said
"I outta beat her ass" Mina said cracking her knuckles
'I want out of here' Bakugo thought
'Do you want to take Kiri with you?'-A/S asked telepathically
Bakugo and Kiri were teleported into a side room
"Where did Kacchan go?" Deku asked
"Into a side room, him and Kiri will be back when the universe ends" -A/S

Bakugo was shown in his room, at his house, raging.
"I fucking hate my mom, I hate my mom, I hate my mom, I hate my mom~" he screamed

"I never knew Auntie was so mean" Deku said tearing up
"Sh sh sh," Monama said comforting him "it'll be alright you can talk to him after yeah?" He said trying to cheer him up
Deku sniffled and nodded

It showed Mitsuki standing in bakugo's room with her arms crossed lecturing him
"It'd be better if you wore make up" she said pointing to the black eye she gave him earlier "but not too much, like a whore they fuck"

"HOW DARE SHE!" Aizawa shouted "I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE LET HIM GO BACK TO THAT HOUSE! I SHOULD'VE TRUSTED MY INSTINCTS! BUT HE....he...he said he was fine..." he said looking down in shame "I should've saw he was lying" he was tearing up at this point
"Sho it's okay" Hizashi said comforting his husband "we'll figure it out when this is all over"

She was digging through his closet now, pulling out a orange shirt, "wear more this" then she pulled out a white skirt "but don't wear that" she said with an angry look, like she was disappointed he had it (cuz she's an ass)
She opened his drawer that had his lounging shirts in, "that's too much black"

The scene switched to them eating dinner. Bakugo had a decent amount on his plate (yk cuz he needs it for hero training)
"Eating makes you fat" Mitsuki said as she took a bite of her steak

"I'M GOING TO KILL HER!" Aizawa said activating his quirk
"M-mr Aizawa p-please clam down"- A/S
"O-okay I'm going to send h-him to a private room to calm down"-A/S said as Aizawa disappeared with Hizashi

Bakugo was in the training room punching a punching bag and blasting his music.
'I fucking hate my mom, I hate my mom, I hate my mom, I hate my mom~ I hate my mom, I hate my mom, I hate my mom, I hate my mom' he thought repeatedly as he punched the bag so hard it flew off the holder and smashed into the wall.
As he went over to pick it up he got a flashback from kindergarten.


"If he bullies you, it means he likes you. You should say thank you" she told him
And little Bakugo nodded

{end of flashback}

"Oh Kacchan" Deku said sadly
Mina's chair arms were melting she was gripping them so hard and accidentally using her quirk
Aizawa and Hizashi flashed back in looking calmer

It showed a younger Bakugo sitting on a couch with his head down getting yelled at, again.
"12-year-olds like you are too young to know abuse" she said to him
Then her walking away and saying, "why can't you just fuck girls like a norma boy would?"

All you could see in the theater was people screaming, quirks activating, and toga in the corner sharpening her knives
'Oh dear' -A/S thought sweat dropping

Bakugo started screaming and throwing shit all over in his room, smashing things, ripping things, just going full rage mode
"I HATE MY MOM! I HATE MY MOM! I HATE MY MOM!" He screamed and sobbed repeatedly til his throat was raw and his room was destroyed.
Once he was done he sobbed more from his throat hurting and everything building up. He slid down his door and put his head in his hands and just sobbed.

"Kat can I come in?" He could hear Kirishima from the other side of the door

"Good Kirishima is there he'll help calm him down" Denki said

Bakugo got up and opened the door, his eyes were all red and tears were still streaming down his face.
"Oh Kat" Kirishima said coming in and seeing the mess. His eyes widened and he shut the door quietly

He knew exactly what to do with Bakugo in this state

He carefully walked up to him and gently said "is it okay if I touch you?"

Bakugo nodded his throat still hurting after screaming so much
"Okay" Kiri said as he carefully hugged Bakugo and gently pulled him to his bed and cuddled him

Bakugo's head was on his chest so he could hear Kirishima's heart beat. Kiri gently ran his hands up and down his back and arm softly humming to calm Bakugo.

The screen faded out and all you could hear was Kirishima's humming

"That was a sweet ending I'm glad Kiri showed up to help him" mina said crying a little
"I swear I'm never letting that kid go back to that house" Aizawa said pulling out his travel size notebook and writing something down
"Is kacchan okay?" Deku asked
"At the moment? He's fine. But I think he should get someone to talk to about this. Like a professional."-A/S
Aizawa wrote that down

Bakugo and Kirishima flashed back in. With Bakugo cuddled asleep in Kiri's arms as he was humming to him, like in the universe.

"Aww" the theater said

{take a shot every-time I said gently in this chapter 😓 I feel like I wrote it a lot}

Thank you guys for reading! Sorry it took so long to come out!
Have a great day/night whatever!

1160 words

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