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Leilani Elrod

Episode 10. The Phantom

"There she be." JJ said proudly as he flung the door open, revealing the infamous Phantom that we had just learned about. He walked up to it, "Hey, girl. A 1983 Formula 402 SR1. The Phantom." He looked over at us and we both just nodded, "The first boat to make the run to Bermuda in under 16 hours. Forty years old! Forty." I loved hearing him talk all excited. "And still the fastest thing that Kildare's ever seen."

I think it was right here that I had made up my mind. After this was over and John B got away, I wanted to be with JJ. I mean, I had always wanted to be with him but I mean officially. I wanted JJ Maybank to be my first ever and last ever boyfriend.

"It's kind of a junker." My mouth dropped open and I whacked Kie as the words tumbled from her mouth.

"Really? She's right there, Kie. She can hear you." JJ said, looking between her and the boat. I understood how Kie felt when John and Sarah got together and why she wanted him to choose. I never even really knew it was possible to be jealous of an inanimate object until this very moment. "Let's just put it this way. You would not be smokin' weed right now if she never existed, okay?"

"I just hope it runs." I said, looking over at the thing.

"Oh, she runs. She's faster than any cutters the boys in blue got."

A motorcycle approached and stopped suddenly.

"Pope! Finally." Kie went to get him.

"Hey, there." Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. "What's goin' on? JJ. How you guys doin'?"

Kie stepped back towards us while JJ and I were frozen. How did Rafe even find us? Someone whistled from behind us and we whipped around, our eyes landing on Barry, the stupid drug lord that we had said would come after us.

Oh, this wasn't good. Not good at all.

"Well, well.." Barry cocked a gun, aiming right at JJ and I, our arms going up immediately. Where were the cops when you really needed them, huh? "See, don't think I forgot about me and you on the side of the road. I'm here because I want my mother-fuckin' money." Barry hit JJ with the gun. Rafe had now grabbed Kie, making me the only free one.

As Barry slammed JJ's head against the ground, I used all my strength to jump on his back and hold on tight. Barry was taken aback, stumbling slightly before gaining his footing and slamming be back onto the boat, but I held on, tightening my grasp around his neck while JJ struggled to get up.

Barry must've remembered I was injured or saw the bandage around my knee, because he lifted up his gun and slammed it down right on it, making me cry out and let go of him, dropped to the ground. This was even worse than the first time.

"You murdered Peterkin!" Kie shouted, loud enough to gain all of our attention. This was all going to absolute shit- pardon my language.

Rafe grabbed Kie's throat and I cried out, trying to crawl towards her, "Kie!"

Barry took his attention off JJ for a moment, walking over to me and pointing the gun at me, stopping me. "Don't move, little bitch." Again, he went for the weak point, lifting his foot and stepping on my knee, digging into it and twisting his foot around like he was squashing a bug. If it wasn't broken before, it definitely was now.

"Get the fuck off her!" JJ shouted, hitting Barry. But he was also injured, so it was easy for Barry to overtake him again, getting a few good hits in before slamming him to the ground. Just then, Pope appeared out of nowhere with a crowbar, knocking Rafe off of Kie, then resorting to his fists.

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