
251 1 0

Leilani Elrod

Episode 10. The Phantom

"JJ?" I whispered to him. We were curled up in a booth at The Wreck, Kie and Pope already being asleep. I'm not sure how though, because I couldn't shut my eyes for the life of me. He had draped his jacket over the two of to keep up a little bit warm, which actually kind of worked. He hummed, letting me know he was awake, "Could you, um, tell me about a happy ending to all this?"

He shifted, running delicate fingertips over my cheek and across my jawline, "We're gonna go get the boat tomorrow and we're gonna get John B. He's going to get away, to Mexico. Then were gonna move on. We're going to figure something out with you and you might have to go away for a bit."

I pulled him closer, "I don't like that."

"Sh, sh. I'm not done, "Then we're going to talk everyday until we get you back down here. Then, we'll be together. We're gonna clear John B's name. Then, me and you, we're going to Hawaii. You're going to open a flower and book shop in one and I'm opening a surf shop connected to it. Rocky will be with us and we'll get have a cat, maybe even a dog. You can write about this, how we cleared John B and about your little rebellious stage. And the gang will visit us all the time. Everything's going to be okay."

My eyes were still wide open.

"Do you want to hear a little story about a mermaid?" He said, making me grin, nodding slightly. So there he went. Telling me about a friendly mermaid that gave every creature a bar of the lost gold. I never heard the end of the story, though. Like always. Maybe there was no end to the story.


"You know, we were in that car. He's probably looking for us too."

Kie's voice woke me up and as I sat straight, my back ached. Turns out sleeping in a restaurant isn't the most comfortable thing. Pope and JJ were standing over by the window, sirens still filling the air. Surely that means they haven't caught him yet.

"Well, if we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John B." Pope stated.

"So, find him before they do?"

Pope grabbed JJ's bike keys and walked out, "I'm gonna get gas for the boat."

"Hey, you be careful. Okay?" Pope just ignored her and looked over at JJ and I, "Meet me at the dock at three. Don't be late." He walked out, leaving the three of us to stare at each other.

Kie stormed after him, knowing something that we didn't, "Okay, what is your problem?"

I looked over at JJ, who was also very lost, "Should we go after them?"

"No, yeah. Definitely." So, we did, walking out of the door just in time to hear Pope's reply.

"No problem, officer. I'm just doing my job."

"Look, I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings." What?

Pope revved the engine, "What was that?" She said something else, but he drowned out her voice with the engine again, "Sorry, I can't hear you. What was that?"

"Pope, I'm being-" Again, he muffled her voice. Just as Pope sped off, there was a helicopter flying right over our heads. That wasn't good.

"Oh, god." I groaned, "Who the hell is that?"

Obviously there was something major that happened between Kie and Pope and we needed to sort that out before we could even begin to tackle the thought of the F.B.I or something like that. We all need to be one hundred percent in our game this time, that meant no weed. For anyone.

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