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Leilani Elrod

Episode 2. The Lucky Compass

With a new optimism and a new attitude, okay, well maybe my quote on quote "happy-go-lucky" attitude, as Kie always called it, wasn't very different, but I felt different. As cliche as it sounded, I felt lighter. I felt hopeful that something would finally turn out right for us. Ten minutes later, we rolled up to Redfield lighthouse, which was apparently Big John's favorite place. I mean, we live on an island so I'm not exactly shocked.

We jumped out of The Twinkie (John B's car) and John began giving us instructions. This was his rodeo and he got to call the shots, which JJ didn't like when he was picked to keep watch down here with Pope and I. I didn't know whether I should be offended or not, but I let it slide. Now wasn't the time for me to be weird and emotional.

Plus, John B seemed like he was finally about to make a move on Kie, since the two of them were going up alone. I was definitely going to be asking her for every detail later. Well, not every detail. I don't need to know about the.. spicy things.

"Look, JJ, there are independent and dependent variables." Pope said to JJ, trying to make him understand, "And you're an independent-"

"Shut up."

"We don't know what you'll do!"

"Okay, just listen to me for a second." JB stopped their bickering before it could even start, "Pope and Lei are staying too, so deal with it. All right?"

"Yeah, J, are we that bad to be stuck with?" I teased him, giving him a wide grin as I gazed up at him, blinking my eyes rapidly. He gave me a light grin and bumped his hip with mine.

"If we get split up, we meet again at JJ's house, got it?"


Kie and John B went away, leaving JJ and I sitting outside of the van with a hacky sack that he kept trying to teach me how to use and Pope to work on his scholarship essay. I tried to sit in the car with him nearly a hundred times and tried to get him to read it to me, but he kicked me out every time, this time closing the door and locking it.

"So, then you just kick it, like this." JJ kicked the ball at me again, this time it hit me smack in the face, leaving him in a fit of hysterics. I stood up, grabbing the ball. I dropped it just like he said, but instead of kicking it softly, I swung my foot at it as hard as I could and sent the ball flying down the road. If I wasn't too busy watching JJ's reaction, I would've pat myself on the back for that kick.

I looked over at him, a proud smile on my face, "Did I do it right?"

His mouth dropped open, "Really?"

"That's what you get for hitting me and laughing."

He groaned, motioning towards the road, "Now I have to go get it!"

I opened my mouth to tell him he deserved it, but police sirens from down the road stopped me, two police cars coming into view, undoubtedly coming this way.

JJ grabbed me and ran with me towards the car, "We can't leave them!" I protested, but he dragged me with him anyway, ignoring me.

Pope had already unlocked to car and jumped into the drivers seat, both JJ and I getting into the back.

"Guys, we have to wait for them!" I said again as Pope began driving away.

"I'm not losing my scholarship over whatever they did up there." Pope stated, putting one of his hands up in defense.

JJ wrapped an arm around me, "They'll be fine."

I huffed, "Whatever."

JJ's house, turns out, wasn't the greatest place to go, because his dad was outside when we got there. We went to the Chateau, instead. 

I poked JJ for the hundtreth time, getting more and more in his face, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Pope had gone home after an hour of waiting because he decided that Heyward was gonna lose his mind, and because he "couldn't concentrate" on his essay with me and JJ there, which was ludicrous to me, but whatever.

JJ had been in a sour mood since we saw his dad. A, because he hated his dad, Luke Maybank, and B, he hated us seeing his dad more than his dad himself. I wanted to be there for JJ like he was for me all the time.

He shoved me back slightly, "No, Lee, it's fine."

"Look, I just want to, I don't know, be there for you." He sighed and pulled me into a hug, burying his face in my neck. I hugged him back. This was good enough for me and if he didn't want to talk about it, the least I could do is comfort him.

JJ lifted his head to pull away, or I assumed, so I turned to look at him, but I wish I never did. When I turned to look at him, his lips were coming towards me and landed right on mine, only for a split second when he realized what had happened.

We stared at each other, his face one of shock and mine twisted in confusion.

"JJ!" I squealed, putting my hands on my face, "No Pogue-on-Pogue macking, bro!"

"I was going to kiss your cheek! You're the one that turned your head!"

Neither of us could help but laugh, but I was far from calm. Let me just breathe. In, out, in, ou-


In, out, Lei.

"But seriously, JJ." I cleared my throat, "If you ever need to talk, you know that I'm here, right?"

I didn't know how we were supposed to Segway out of that, so I pretended that it never happened. The only hint that it even did being both of our red faces and sweaty palms. JJ opened his mouth like a goldfish for a few seconds before he shook his head.

"Yeah, no, of course, yeah. Thanks, Lee."

I smiled at him, "Of course." Our eyes were dead on each other and as both of us inched towards each other I stood up, brushing off my shorts and fiddling with my own hands.

Kissing isn't important to a lot of people but it is to me. I don't want to make this habit of this and I was nervous. JJ is my best friend and I never want to lose that or lose our friends just because we made a dumb decision. Plus, we don't like each other like that. Never have and never will.

"You staying here tonight?"

"You know it."

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