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Leilani Elrod

Episode 6. Parcel 9

After Kie and I's.. verbal scuffle, I basically just ditched the boys and sat in my room, curled up under the covers, thinking about what Kie had said to me. I didn't do that, did I? If I did, it was never on purpose. I tried not to showcase what happened to me and when I did, it was usually only when I was triggered into it. Like during storms or that time when I was thrown into the water.

Maybe I shouldn't have told her about the best day of my life, but I swear that I only did it because I wanted her to know that there was so much more than petty friend drama. I just wanted to get my point across that the Pogues needed each other and something as stupid friend drama and relationships shouldn't drive us away. Perhaps I should have just said that instead of telling her my sob story. It was my fault.

I don't know what time it was when I finally fell asleep, but the sun was starting to peak over the horizon.

"Lee." Someone shook me, "Lee, wake up."

Was I dreaming?

"Lee, come on."

I peaked one of my eyes open, squinting them at the person standing over me, "JJ?"

"Good morning."

I sat up, rubbing my eyes and looking out the window. The sun was either setting or rising. What?

"What- what time is it?"

JJ laughed, "You slept all day, the sun's about to set. Get up, we have things to do."

I, in fact, did not get up until JJ pulled me out of bed and onto the HMS Pogue with him and Pope. They all teased me for sleeping all day, but I think they realized something was wrong when I didn't engage with them. Not only was I still physically exhausted, but mentally too.

My mental exhaustion only grew we when we pulled up to Heyward's boat, which was anchored in the middle of the water, John B standing on the edge, seemingly waiting for us. JJ got onto the boat first before he helped me up, saluting Pope as he pulled away in the HMS Pogue.

"Um, what's going on?" I asked. They were acting weird, like, really weird.

JJ shrugged and pulled me onto the seat next to him, "We knew you were upset, so we thought it'd be nice to just have a chill day. Take a nap, you still look tired."

My heart warmed at this and even though I still felt like something was off, I was very tired still, so I leaned my head on JJ's shoulder and fell asleep almost instantly. JJ always made me feel calm, I think that everyone knew that, so I nice nap on his shoulder was pretty much exactly what I needed.

What I didn't need was to wake up to the boys running and diving into the water, swimming towards Pope on the HMS Pogue. I stood up, confusion flooding my brain.


"Shit." Kie said from behind me and as if on cue, there was banging from below us.

"John B!" The voice below us screamed, still pounding on the trap-door, "John B, let me out!"

Kie and I shared the same look before she bent down and turned the latch, the door flying open and Sarah Cameron climbing out.


"What the hell?"

We all ran over to the edge, all of us screaming after them.

"Get your asses back here!"

"We can't. Not 'til you guys figure it out."

I wanted to strangle them.

"I will strangle each and everyone one of you!"

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