
632 9 0

Leilani Elrod

Episode 1. Pilot

A motel key. That's what John B found in the boat.

"Guys. We need to report the wreck to the coast guard." I said to the group, playing with my fingers, "Otherwise we're gonna get bad karma!"

"I agree. Plus, maybe we'll get a finders fee!"

JJ whistled, "Yeah, and not work all summer. Thanks, Agatha, ya bitch."

As we went to go report the wreck, JJ slipped an arm around me. Our friendship was always like this. We had always been touchy, but only to an extent. It took a long time for me to get to the point I am now and the group always made sure to remind of how proud they are.

The accident happened almost three years ago, so even though it seems like it's been a long time, it still felt like just yesterday. JJ's hand wrapped around mine and he left it there until he had to help John B dock the boat. Kie, Pope, and I waited for JJ and John B outside of the hut, but they returned in only a minute.

"What happened?"

They were too busy worrying about dog diabetes."

"So, what's the plan?"

John B held up the motel key, "I think I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat."

"No, no. We don't know whose room that is. It could be anyone." Pope argued.

"You're not serious, right? We have to go back in and try again." I tried to squeeze past them, but JJ grabbed my waist, "Hey! Let me go!"

"I'll keep lookout, we'll be fine."

"But bad karma, Kie!"

I was overruled and we were back on the boat, heading to wherever this motel was. I kept my arms crossed and slid a pair of sunglasses on. This was a stupid idea. Why were we even doing this? I mean, if the coast guard didn't listen, we should at least go to the police. There was a bad feeling in my stomach and I didn't like it one bit.

As we pulled up, it was so much worse than we thought.

JJ whistled, "I thought the Chateau looked bad."

"This place is a shit-show."

"Motel or meth lab?"

"Doesn't look like the type of place somebody with a Grady-White would stay."

Pope shook his head at John B, "No. Looks like a place someone with a Grady-White would get killed."

JJ put his hands over his mouth and brought the radio voice back, "This is your captain speaking. HMS Pogue comin' in for landing." He jumped off the boat and tied it up.

"We good."

"Yeah. We good, c'mon, Lee."

My eyebrows turned down and I held up a finger, "Uh, no. You guys all promised that Pope and I could just be accomplices."

Kie groaned and pushed me to my feet, "We need someone to make sure they don't do anything stupid."

"And why do I have to be the one to do it? You go, Kie." I tried to sit back down but JJ grabbed my wrists and pulled me along with him, "I'm being kidnapped! Help!"

"Uh, be careful." Kie told John, patting his shoulder, "I mean it."

JJ and I shared a look before following after John B, stepping over mattresses. I mean, seriously, there were a lot of them.

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