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Leilani Elrod

Episode 9. The Bell Tower

We ended up in a garage type thing nearby, hoping that John B would turn up eventually. Instead, JJ was trying to play chopsticks with me to keep my mind off things, it wasn't working. The adrenaline had worn off and the anxiety had set in. Then, to make matters better, there was a plane flying over head. Upon further investigation, it was, in fact, Ward Cameron's plane.

I was going to cry again.

"There goes the gold." JJ stated, kicking a chair.

I went and sat down as Pope began screaming, hitting, and kicking things. I had never seen him so upset before. Ever. But he had good reason to be. He picked up a bat and began hitting anything and everything. All any of us could do was just sit there and watch. Once he got it all out, he came and sat next to me, tear stained cheeks and breathing heavily.

"Pope.." Kie said quietly, definitely feeling the emotion.

"Yeah, dude." JJ said, just looking around, stunned. "I was wondering when this was gonna happen." He held out his Juul to Pope, which was filled with weed, "Here you go, chief. A little weed never hurt no one."

"JJ." Kie said sternly.

"Relax, Kie."

"You know he doesn't smoke."

Pope took the device as JJ shrugged, "Well, maybe not until today."

JJ sat down between us as Kie sat on the other side of Pope, "Pope. Yeah, what is that gonna help?"

"I lost my scholarship. Walked out in the middle of the interview. Every- it's gone. It's not gonna happen."

"You did that for us?" I said, tears welling in my eyes. God, I'm such a crybaby.

"No, not for us. For nothing."

"I'm here for you, Pope." JJ pat his shoulder, "Welcome to my world, okay."


"What, Kie? He's right. It doesn't matter anymore."

"Salud to that." I whispered, plucking the device from Pope's hand and hitting it myself. Kie wasn't very shocked, but JJ and Pope were. I shrugged, "I did it on the boat, okay? Let a girl live a little."

"I told you not to!" JJ groaned.

Kie, of course, came to my defense, "Come on, JJ, I thought you were encouraging people to do it now? 'A little weed never hurt anybody.'," She quoted him. I hit it one more time before giving it back to Pope, who lifted it to his mouth, "You don't have to do that." He did it anyway.

"What do you care?" Pope said to her, tension filling the little garage. Everything had gone so far down hill, but like big John always said, you can always go lower. I really, really hoped not. Pope's eyes suddenly widened as he looked behind us. We turned, facing John B.

He wore a solemn expression and there was blood covering his hands and shirt. He looked disheveled and traumatized. Sarah was no where in sight, either.

"Is this yours?" JJ grabbed his hands.

Kie gasped, "Who's blood is that?"

"You good?"

"John B, are you okay?" He wasn't saying anything. I was terrified right now. As police sirens got closer and a car came into view, we tucked down behind the nearest shelf. Now noticing it, there were police sirens coming from every direction. What had happened on that runway after we left?

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