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Leilani Elrod

Episode 2. The Lucky Compass

"Guys, guys, is that them?" Kie gasped. Walking through the yard was the men of the hour, the 'Square Groupers' in the flesh. "Is that them?"

JJ groaned and turned away from up, rubbing his hand through his hair. I thought back to what I had thought about earlier, how I needed to be there more for JJ. So, I swallowed whatever fear I felt and set a hand on his arm.

"John B, I told you." JJ ranted, he tried walking off but I held onto him and kept him in place. I sighed. I knew what we needed. "Why does it-"

"JJ!" I said sternly, mustering up any intimidation that I could, "Where's the gun?"

"Gun? I-uh- I can't-"

"Now you don't have the gun, the one time we need the gun?" Kie stressed. If Kie was tripping, then something was wrong. Really, really wrong.

"It was in my backpack, and then I-"

"Backpack?" John B said, stepping closer to JJ, "On the porch."

JJ closed his eyes, "It's on the porch."

Before I could object, JJ was running out of the door and going to the porch.

"John Routledge!" A mans voice, the one that had been yelling at Lana, boomed.

"Oh my, god. JJ!" I grabbed Kie and my eyes went wide. If JJ was caught, much worse if the men had found the gun before he did, we were about to be in big, and I mean like actually big, trouble.

"Come on out now! Fuck-" JJ nearly tripped turning around and darting back into the room, shoving the door closed behind him.

"There on the front porch, guys."

Kie was crying, which was the worst possible thing she could do. Because A, when other people cry, I cry and B, if Kie was crying, I should probably be balling. Oh man. I pushed the tears back as my pulse began pumping.

"Routledge!" There was the sound of them breaking things, "Where you at, boy?"

"We need to leave!"

I sucked it up and began looking around the room frantically, deciding that I needed to finally be helpful as my eyes found our only escape, "Window! The window, guys!"

The boys ran to the window and did their best to pull it open, but it wasn't budging. Then men continued screaming and more stuff was tossed around, adding to the mess that John B and I already needed to clean. Well, if we ever got the chance to clean it now.

"What's happening? Why is it taking so long?"

JJ's head snapped over to Kie's in a fit of anxiety and frustration, "It's painted shut, okay?"

I began throwing open drawers and cabinets, throwing my respect for the Routledge's privacy out with it. We need something sharp to get through the paint. Like scissors, a knife, or- my eyes landed on something shiny. A letter opener.

I grabbed it and leaped back over to them, "Here, use this."

Kie took it and began sawing away at the window. John B was standing with his back to the door, ready to hold it shut if need-be. I joined him, also getting ready to ready to defend this territory. This was, well, legally, my house too.

JJ and Kie began arguing and John B and I shushed them immediately. The last thing we needed was them hearing us and blowing a shot through this door, if they had a gun that is. Worse case scenario is that they either brought one or found JJ's.

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