9. The Beginning of the End

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June 18th, 2022
7:28 AM

Hades Cabin, Long Island, New York

   Nico woke Leo, Percy, Jason, Grover, and Forrest in the Common Room of Hades Cabin, waiting to escort him to the Mess Hall for Breakfast. "Hi..." Nico gulped, looking at his friends. They stood up and smiled at him.

   "Nico, please forgive us...." Jason said, stepping forward. He looked at Percy, who looked like he was guilty too. He glared at Leo, knowing he was less forgiving than his other friends. Leo tilted his head and gave him a look. It was a look of pity and concern.

   "Okay... what's up?" Nico asked, and his friends raised their eyebrows, "What's wrong? What's going on? Is it Clarisse and the Ares cabin?"

   "We are sorry, Nico," Percy said.

   "Cut the shit... something is up," Nico sighed, "Forrest," he said. He glared at his Satyr, testing if he would say the right thing. If he lies, he sends him down to the Underworld and asks for a new one.

   "There was an earthquake... in Florida," Forrest sighed, and Nico's friends glared at him. The Satyr walked to Nico and grabbed his hands. "It was massive. It went from the keys to Tennessee... all of Florida is underwater. They are still counting the fatalities."

   "Shit... shit-shit-shit... this is all my fault,"

   "Nico, how is this your fault?" Leo placed a hand on his shoulder, Nico stormed around, and flames burst from the fireplace. He was so angry.

   "Because Hades fucked me!" Nico shouted, and all his siblings acted like they hadn't heard that. "Clarisse was right... when I conceive, that is the beginning of the end,"

   "Neeks, we don't know that for sure," Jason told him.

   "Yeah, you haven't conceived yet," Grover said, and they all turned their attention to him, "I would smell it... Forrest would too. Its little heart wouldn't be beating yet, or we would hear it," Grover said. Nico was circling.

   "Neeks... calm down," Percy said. Nico pushed him and stomped into his room. His friends followed him, but Nico hopped into a portal to the Underworld, zipping it up before they could follow. Nico was fueled by anger. 

   He would never speak to Hades like this back when he was a Demi-god. His anger was so much more vibrant now. He felt like he could level... well, Florida... too soon?

   Nico stormed to Persephone and Hades' room, opening the door to see his father in his boxers on the balcony. He had a box of skeletal squirrels and a slingshot, aiming for the lost souls to be knocked back into the chasm.

   "Woah... Nico, for a minute, you were storming like Persephone... wait, why are you storming?" Hades asked.

   "You knew this would happen," Nico accused, and Hades raised an eyebrow at Nico's tone. "You knew if you took my virginity, it would begin the end," he snapped, and Hades tried to lie. His face grew purple, and he held his breath because his son was sucking the truth out of him.

    "Speak, or I will send you to the deepest depths of Tartarus," He threatened, but it fell flat to the god of the Underworld. He didn't talk. He just held his stomach and laughed in his son's face.

   "Nico... seriously... Do you care about a few hundred thousand lives? They were mostly meth heads... it's Florida!" Hades laughed, showing his son just how unhinged he was.

   "You took advantage of me," Nico teared up.

   "Baby... you wanted this cock way before the prophecy hopped you up on horniness," he laughed.

   "No... you lied to me. You said you wanted a powerful child," Nico said, and Hades sighed, feeling guilty. Unbelievably, he usually feeds off chaos and sorrow. He took a step, "No! Take another step or-"

   "Or what? I own everything your powers connect to...." Hades snapped back.

   "I will use the portal you to land, then your brothers can take care of you," Nico threatened, and Hades raised an eyebrow, "I can't kill you... but I am sure other gods know how to," he said. Hades wasn't afraid or offended. 

    He was proud of Nico for coming up with a real logical threat. "Don't speak to me again," he snapped before storming back to the closest fireplace to head back to Camp.

   "Neeks," Percy grabbed his wrist before he could use a portal again, "What happened,"

   "I just threatened my father...." He gulped and froze with fear.

   "You... what?" Leo asked.

   "I'm hungry...." Nico said and walked toward the Mess Hall.

   "Oh wait..." Forrest jogged into Nico's room, then ran toward him with 20 Pomegranates hugged in his grasp.

   "He just..." Jason's mouth was still agape.

   "Threatened the god of the underworld... yes," Leo said, and then they jogged up to join him.
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